"finish that sentence..."

33 2 8

TW: swearing 

"This seat taken?" Nadia had been wondering the corridors of the Hogwarts Express in pursuit of finding her boyfriend.

'It felt weird. Boyfriend? Nice weird...' Nadia thought.

After ten minutes of pacing the halls and checking each compartment she saw the familiar blonde who was reading what seemed to be the Daily Prophet.

Draco's head whipped and smiled at the sight of Nadia, "Look who decided to show up?" he remarked.

He wasn't wrong, she was running late. Barely made it before the train departed. There was a lot of running.

Nadia smiled and kicked his feet off the opposite seat to sit, "Good Christmas?"

"Tedious." Draco mumbled before remembering the last time he saw her was the night when she woke up in tears, "What happened?"

Nadia knew exactly what Draco was talking about, "Didn't I already answer that in one of our letters?" She rubbed the bridge of her nose, hoping to avoid this conversation.

"All you said is I quote, 'I'm okay now, it was nothing.'" Draco recited knowingly.

Nadia sighed, "I had this nightmare thingy, it just seemed so real. Real enough for me to wake up all of Slytherin, I guess..."

"Yeah..." Draco exhaled deciding to change the subject, "There is going to be a party is Slytherin soon!"

"What's Umbridge gonna say about that?" Nadia raised an eyebrow.

Draco shrugged and said, "It's just one party, it'll be fun. It's not like she'll ever find out. You in?"

Nadia smiled, "Anything to defy Umbit—I mean Umbridge."


Nadia, Fred and George sat in the Great Hall during a free period planning their newest, most epic prank. Nadia sat at the Gryffindor table opposite to Fred and George discussing the outlines. She and the twins had also been playing the future of their joke store together. Fred and George would be the face and Nadia would be the mastermind.

The three laughed with pride as they planned when Harry yelled, "NADIA! NADIA!"

She turned around impatiently, "What is it, Harold? Kinda busy here!"

"Hagrid's back!"

Nadia bid the twins an extremely quick farewell before running to Hagrid's Hut with Harry. For a little while, Hagrid had been M.I.A, leaving everyone in wonder to why. Not one letter, no explanation, he just left.

Hermione, Harry, Ron and Nadia made their way to the friendly half-giant's house to hear the overly honeyed voice of Umbridge. Nadia and her friends positioned themselves behind a window so they could see the scene play out.

"I'm sorry. I will say this one last time. I'm ordering you to tell me where you've been."

"I told you. I've been away for me health," repeated Hagrid gruffly.

"Your health?" Umbridge repeated, questioned Hagrid's honesty.

"Ye', bit of fresh air you know."

"If I were you, I shouldn't get too used to being back. In fact, I mightn't bother unpacking at all." Hissed Umbridge in a forced sweet voice. It was infuriating. Umbridge didn't say anymore, she made her way out swinging the door open. The teenagers quickly hid themselves as she left.

Once Umbridge was out of eye sight, the four knocked on the door of Hagrid's hut. Thinking Umbridge had graced Hagrid with her presence again, he greeted the four with a grimace. As soon as he saw them, he smiled and ushered them in quickly.

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