"do you really think there is going to be a war?"

72 2 4

August 6th 1995

Dear Nadia,

Happy Birthday! I wish we could see each other over these holidays but my father would not allow it. He still has no knowledge of us, much to my dismay.

I know he would just make us separate anyway, but we never really made it official. Did we now? 

So, Nadia Evans, would you like to be my girlfriend?



PS. I hope you like your present.



Thank you very much for the present, I will be sure to read it soon. But, regarding your very important question, I would like to inform you that the answer is yes. 

I would very much like to be your girlfriend and for you to be my boyfriend. 

Much love,

N.Evans x


During Nadia's break, she had been up to various things. 

She had been staying at Grimmauld Place with the Weasleys seeing it was safer than the Burrow at the time. She spent time with Remus and met Sirius for the first time in person.

Nadia spent times in the Order's meetings while her friends had to stay in their rooms. 

They didn't of course, they would usually spy and Nadia would often tell them about what they talked about. But she didn't go into too much detail, in hope of not loosing the Order's trust all together. 

This summer break was nothing like the one she had at the Burrow. It was more tense and some might say boring.

As Nadia sat absentmindedly in the Order Meeting the night of her birthday. She couldn't stop thinking of Draco. She snapped out of her day dreams when a loud creak came from the stair case from outside the door. 

She rushed to the door and saw Harry walking up the stairs. He stopped walking and saw Nadia. They both grinned happily as Harry rushed back down the stairs to hug Nadia.

"Happy Birthday, Nads." Harry whispered while they hugged. Nadia let go of Harry and held his shoulders, "What are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming! Is this about the Dementor attack?" 

"Yeah and I didn't either," Harry mumbled.

"I'll show you where everyone is, just give me a sec," asked Nadia as she rushed back into the kitchen, "Hey Harry is here. Do you mind if I-?"

"You can go spend some time with him, we'll catch up later, Naddy." Remus said understandingly.

Nadia grinned while she thanked him. She closed the door, then continued to take Harry's hand and take him upstairs.

The two made their way to where everyone was. She indicated for him to open the door. 
Harry opened the door and half way, Hermione lunged towards him engulfing him with a massive hug. 

"Harry! We overheard about the Dementor attack. You must tell us everything." 

"Let the man breathe, Hermione." Ron said chuckling. 

Nadia rolled her eyes and pushed Harry into the room as she closed the door. 

"And thus hearing at the Ministry is outrageous! I've looked it up, they simply can't expel you. It's completely unfair." Hermione exclaimed.

𝓝𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓪~𝓓.𝓜-DISCONTINUED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora