

"Her name is Kylie"



"Whatever we've got an hour, wanna hit the gym or?"

"Panera bread is fine."

"Okay" near my house probably like a few minutes away was this town center where all the fast food joints and a few commercial stores were. I got dirty looks from people as I entered Panera bread in my checkered bottoms and bright yellow despicable me shirt with a minion on it, my little niece gave it to me for Christmas. "What do you want?"

"You pick, I'll get a table" I've only actually been to Panera bread about twice, this being my third time. So I didn't actually know what was good and what not. I picked a table near the door just incase I'd wanna run for no apparent reason.

"Oh your friend texted" Bill wiped the corner of his mouth looking up from his phone. I looked up from my sandwich to look at his phone with directions on it.

"Where to?"

"I don't know"

"Well what's the street called"

"Dill berry"

"We should get going then" I stood up from my chair picking up my lemonade waiting for him outside. Once he unlocked the door I quickly hoped in.

"This is dill berry" I looked as we passed all these nice houses leading up to a little plaza. Bills GPS spoke saying we have arrived and I looked around seeing the little dot stop on Santiago's Spa. "Well go on" Bill placed his hand on my back pushing me to get out. I didn't wave goodbye as I had turned around and he was gone. Right as I was about to open the door Niko's mom opened it smiling.

"Welcome! Welcome!" Her puerto rican accent always brought warmth to me. "We were expecting you"

"Oh really?" I smiled

"Yeah, you know these crazy kids. Sorry about the service though, it's Tuesday and I don't open on Tuesdays so Niko n Kylie had to scramble"

"That's fine... what exactly is going on?"

"Oh yeah! Surprise, follow me, follow me" she ushered me past the front desk to the hallway leading into a locker. She handed me a white bathrobe and a white towel with matching white sandals. "Please change into this" she left me in the lockers, walking away. I looked around before undressing tying the laces around my waist tightly. I kept the towel in hand and slipped on the sandals leaving my pjs in the third locker. I walked back out to see Kylie dressed in the same white uniform.

"Hi" she smiled

"What happened to spa de kylu"

"This is it"

"This is Niko's moms work"

"Shut up and go along I was too lazy to set something up and decided that you needed the best. Now do you want a massage, facial or foot rub? which one first"


"That's me!" She pulled me into another room sitting me in a nail salon chair. Walking away, Mrs. Santiago sat across from me and began to exfoliate my hands in this brown sugar looking mix. Kylie came back with a bowl rubbing whatever it was onto my face. I felt like a billion of hands were doing some sort of project on me. My face felt stiff, she topped off the facial with cucumbers on my eyes.

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