"Tonight Is Just The Beginning"

Start from the beginning

After 10 minutes of hiking, the duo reach the stream and couldn’t help but be in awe. Crystal blue water with a steady flow and green pastures surrounding it, this looked like something out of a painting.

“What are you doing?” Holden enquires as he watches Addison strip down to her underwear

I’m going for a swim and you’re joining me.”

“What if someone else comes down here? And we don’t have any towels to dry off with.”

Addison approaches Holden who seemed to be spiralling. She placed a finger over his lips and said…

You worry too much. Live a little.”

“It’s really hard to say no to you when you’re dressed like that.”

Addison smiled at Holden’s remark and stepped into the water.

What are you waiting for?”

He quickly removed his shirt and pants and hung it on a nearby tree. Addison couldn’t help but gulp and Holden’s physique, from his lean muscles to broad shoulders not to mention his tattoo’s and scars adding to his bad boy look, yet he was the furthest thing from one.

Each time Holden made stride towards Addison she swam away leaving him frustrated. All he wanted was her in his embrace so that he could run his hands down her soft bare skin.

“Afraid you couldn’t contain yourself around me?” Holden mocks her.

Addison smiled and splashed him with water.

“Oh I’m coming to get you baby.”

And so he did, reaching Addison in record time and picking her up by the waist. Laughter filled the air as their young love seemed to be blossoming.

Back on the road 3 hours later

“I checked the traffic app, there’s been an accident just up ahead. They said we should expect a 2 hour delay especially because it’s lunch time.”

By this rate we should reach California by sundown. I’m getting a little hungry now.”

“We do have the sandwiches Blair packed for us. We can have lunch in my truck whilst we ideal in traffic.”

Blair is a lifesaver because I don’t think I would’ve gotten full on chips and diet coke.”

“Maybe if it was regular coke...” Holden jokes but is interrupted by Addison’s death stare.

They didn’t have the regular kind. Be happy I didn’t let you die from dehydration.”

“Someone’s hangry. You couldn’t live without me missy.”

Care to test that theory?”

“Geez just take the sandwich before bite my head off.”

The two laugh and spend the next hours of traffic singing ridiculous tunes from the radio and playing car games like middle schoolers.

Finally after what felt like decades, they arrived in the sunny state of California just as the sun was setting. Addison drove to a less populated area of the beach and guided Holden towards the pier where they watched the sunset together.

“This is actually how I want to spend all my future days, the view of the sun on the waters horizon with you by myside and the salty wind in my hair. It’s paradise.”

I told you so and this isn’t even the best part yet. Just wait for tomorrow when you become one with the ocean, for now let’s head to the hotel and get ready for tonight.”

“What’s happening tonight?”

Firstly we are having dinner at a fish and chip shack just down the road and then there’s a bon fire happening at the other side of the beach. Good music, the luminous glow of flames and a few drinks sounds pretty good wouldn’t you say.”

“How did you know all this was happening?”

Well I may have called a friend or two. I wanted you to have the full Californian experience and tonight is just the beginning.”

“Thank you, for showing this country boy parts of your world.”

You don’t need to thank me, your friendship these past few months has been the only thing that has gotten me through the day. I find happiness with you Holden.” Addison looks towards the horizon.

A happiness I’ve never known before.”

“You are my happiness Addison. You remind me of all the good in the world.”

Come on lets go. We have plenty more memories to make.”

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