They lined up for what was probably the last face-off, the Sharks had made it an empty net with one minute to go, Derek wasn't sure it was really going to make much difference. Sure enough, the final horn went, and Derek brought Mark into a sideways hug as they skated of the ice. His brother beaming the same way everybody else was, besides the Sharks of course!


Not long later, he was in his t-shirt with the bottom half of his kit on, as well as his skates, he unkitted himself pretty strangely, or at least everybody else thought it was, it was normal for him. Call it superstition. Security came in, spotted him, and asked him if he expected people to be looking for him this soon after. He chuckled softly, clearly Aiden had been pretty desperate.

"Yeah, that should be about right, I'll come and get them."

He walked out in his skates on the rubber, balancing after years of experience, it also made him taller, but he doubted Meredith and Aiden really cared. When he got to the desk, he saw Aiden hopping about impatiently, and Meredith staring at her son which such love in his eyes it made him wonder if he could ever be subjected to the same love. The man, Alex was there as well, eating a bag of chips, though he was apparently a fan as well, he wore a Flyers cap on his head, though it was slightly askew, maybe Aiden's doing. He strolled confidently up to them, "There's my favourite Flyer's fan," he announced.

"Derek," Aiden looked up and ran towards him. He laughed at the little boy who he only really knew for 8 minutes in total yet felt the urge so strongly to hoist him up onto his hip. Aiden reached him and Derek did so, and it felt like the most natural thing he had ever done.

"Hey Mer," he greeted softly, "Hi, Alex, right?" he held out his free hand to the man.

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you, Flyers fan, as you can probably tell," he laughed.

"Well they are the best team aren't they bud," he asked Aiden, who nodded enthusiastically.

"Only because Alex and George influenced him," Meredith laughed.

"Mer, Bambi does not watch sport, no matter how much he tells you," Alex laughed.

"Ok fine, you influenced him," Meredith said.

"Only because they're the best," Alex shrugged.

"Well that is definitely right," Derek chuckled, "I mean, you saw the game, we're definitely the best."

"Of course, Derek," Meredith said.

"Oh, you don't believe me. Maybe you should come to more games," Derek joked, only he wasn't really joking. Meredith's eyes sparkled as she looked at him, "Maybe I should," she said quietly, except it sounded like it had much more meaning behind it.

Derek's mouth went dry when he thought about just spending more time with her, before he could retaliate, Aiden piped up, "Can I go and see the team Derek?"

"Well Aiden, I can probably bring you back there, but I still don't think you'll be able to come in," he sighed.

"Can I go as far back as you'll let me?"

"Sure bud," he laughed, "But I have to finish getting changed, and I don't know if the guys, or your Mom, will want to go back there."

Meredith scrunched up her nose as if to prove his point, "See. But Alex can come."

"Please Uncle Alex?"

"Sure, but you can't run off to steal some player's stick," Alex said.

"I won't Uncle Alex," Aiden agreed.

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