Love At Last.. Ending

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We fast forward to one year later..

"Baby!!" I hear Michael call me from the stairs.

I was in the kitchen cooking as I was now eating for three. Yes, me and Michael was expecting twins.

"Baby I have to keep an eye on the stove or the veggies will burn!" I yelled.

He comes down the stairs with his favorite suits and looks at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He smiled, he knows what that does to me when them pearly whites sparkle the way they do.

"Oh... um I need to know which suit should I wear this weekend? My red suit with the black buttons or my all white suit?" He asked.

"Hmm.. I forgot that event was this weekend. Did Cheryl get the dress ready yet?" I asked.

"Yes baby.. it should be here in the morning. I hope it's the right size this time. I don't need you and my babies suffocating." He said as he walked towards me.

"Yeah, right." I said stirring the vegetables in the pan. I turned to look as he holds up the suits. Almost smirking, I kinda went for the all white, since my dress was being a custom made white with a diamond beaded, shoulder straps.

"Um baby... I'll be honest you look handsome in both.  This is so hard to choose.. ughh.. but I think the all white. We can twin at the party." I said chuckling.

"Hehe.. nice choice baby and I choose to twin with you and my twins!" He laughed.

I laughed too holding my stomach. By it being a whole year. I got pregnant with in this time and I was at five months. Did i mention that Michael fainted twice when i told him I was pregnant. I remembered that day like it was yesterday.

Five months ago..

"Hey baby.. you okay? You don't look took good." He asked looking concerned.

"I can't keep anything down. I tried crackers and everything. I am miserable." I said as I laid down on the sofa.

This wasn't everyday but this past week, I couldn't keep nothing down, I was eating aggressively and I have been really sensitive. Every day I was throwing up in the bathroom and one night when Michael came home, I was in the kitchen gulping down some ginger Ale.

"Baby.. do you need to see a doctor." He asked as he walked up to me and grabbed my hands.

"I don't know Michael.. I am scared." I said.

He grasps both of my hands then he kissed me on my forehead.

"Baby I will go with you. I must.. you are not alone." He said.

"Okay baby.. you will go with me?" I asked.

"Of course.. you are mine baby.. and I mean that. I can't let you be sick baby.. I wouldn't let that happen." He said.

So he had a driver pull up and we leave to head to the doctor's office.

Once we get there.. thirty minutes of getting prepped and ready. The doctor comes in and had me take a pee test and he had to put his fingers inside of me to make sure I was okay.

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