Negative or Positive

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I met up with Edna's nasty ass because she thought she had the results to the pregnancy test. I pulled up meeting her at the McDonalds on fourth. Getting out of the car, she comes out of her car, finishing up a Big Mac.

"Hey baby.." she said trying to hug me.

"Look let's just get this over with.. please?" I asked looking at her.

"Well I went to the doctor's on friday and I'm not pregnant. I just wanted to be honest. The thing is that I thought that I would be that one for you." She said.

"Edna.. okay. For one, what we have, it actually has got to stop really. For two, I know your ass been fucking every Tom, Dick and Harry out here. I actually fell in love with someone." I said.

"Damn.. so all this time.. we were--" I stopped her.

"Friends with benefits... yes.. a couple.. no. I am just being honest." I said.

"Oh well I will be honest.. you were the best one I ever had.. I'm happy for you though.. anyone would be glad to be with you." She said.

"Yeah.. but it was good while it lasted and I thank you for being understanding." I said.

"Well can I suck you off one last time before you go?" She said as she places her hands on my chest. I quickly slid them off.

"No, but I do have to go though." I said placing a small kiss in her hand and turned to leave.

I got in my car and drove off as my phone rung.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey boss.. that girl is gone!" He said as I slammed really hard on my brakes.

"What the fuck do you mean she's gone?" I yelled.

"Boss.. Eddie got shot at the security and Major said that the guy threatened for his family to get killed if he didn't allow him in..!!" He said.

"Shit!!! What's the guy name?" I asked.

"I think that said some guy named Shawn. Eddie is on his way to the hospital other than that all the security guards are informed sir." He said.

"Shawn.. I know who that is.. do me a favor.. get in contact with Chris for me.. I have to make a run real quick." I said as I started driving 90 mph to reach the diner. I have to speak with Darla's friend.


"Now why did you leave like that? Did I fucking tell you to leave like that?? What did that nigga have that I didn't?!" He screamed.

I'm sitting the the corner of my bedroom, blood dripping from my lips. My face felt swollen. My dress was ripped to shreds, I was forced into fucking the man, that I hated the most. All I could taste was blood.

He walked up to me and grabs me by my hair. Dragging me across the broken glass from the mirror he slammed me into.  The glass against my skin, cutting me.

"Ahh!! Owww!!" I said screaming and grabbing on his hand to let me go. He pulls me back on to the bed. From what I could see, the powder was dripping from h to a nose.

"You leaving me!! You not fucking leaving me..and now we are going to sing... that leaves you screaming.. so the nigga will never want you whore!!" He yelled.

And the beating began..


I quickly arrived to the diner and I spot Erin running up to me, pulling me back outside.

"Hey oh my gosh!! Tell me you know where Darla is?" She said panting hard.

"She ran into me that same night of the party. She was living with me for awhile but now.. I have a problem.. I got a call from my guards that this "Shawn" guy.. came and threatened if she didn't comply.. I need to know where she lives." I said.

"Oh no!! Wait here!!" She runs back into the joint with me close behind her. She tells the boss that she has an emergency and comes running back towards me.

"Follow my car!! We are going together." She said as she gets to her car trunk and pulls out .45 revolver. "Let's go!" She said.

As I run and get into my car, she gets in hers and we speed off taking the thirty minute drive to her house. In the mist, I cocked my gun back.


Here I lay at the bottom of the stairs. I felt like my life was over. I was tortured, raped and abused three times non stop and I felt like I just wanted all of this to end.

My parents were dead so why couldn't I just die. The only thing I wanted was to be happy and I wanted to only see that one special face.

And that was Michael...

Okay.. it's short but there's only a couple chapters left for this story...

Vote and Comment... hope you like and thanks to all for the support!!


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