This was the first time Naomi had really come into his room sober for one and two she came in willingly. There was no argument he had to apologise for, nothing forcing her there. Well, besides him stealing her AirPod, but she could of asked for that the moment he opened the door, which he expected at first but she didn't.

Naomi hummed as a response. This was awkward. She didn't even know how to act around Theo, especially after what he told her yesterday about her being in the wrong. Also with the fact that they had sex last night and didn't even get to talk about it.

It was as if the two of them had nothing to talk about. It was as if they were strangers. Ironic when they'd seen the good and bad sides of each other and even had sex more than once but yet being sober in the same room attempting to hold a conversation was hard. It was hard because they had so much to say but neither knew whether it was time to talk yet. If the other was ready. If they were truly ready themselves to have this civil conversation.

"So...can we talk now" Theo asked

"Can I get my AirPod back?"

"Nah not until we talk" he laughed wondering when she was going to bring it up

"Theo..." she sighed

"I'm going to be honest with you. Mentally, I cannot have this conversation today, I'm overwhelmed and everything is just moving so fast and I need to slow it down. Uni, us, this, everything, it's all too much right now. We had fucking sex yesterday, and I don't even know what that means for us and now I'm here, in your room and I don't know how to even get my head straight to talk to you about anything to do with this whole situation between us. I'm sorry for leaving you last year, I really am, I'm not used to the idea of a boy getting me breakfast, so I left. But can we please just have this conversation another day when I'm feeling better and I'm just... I don't know anymore" she explained

Theo could hear the stress in her voice and knew she was being genuine. He was surprised to say the least when he heard her apologise for leaving him last year. He never knew that a boy had never gotten her breakfast before. It was all making sense to him now, how she was very untrusting of him so she jumped to conclusions, leading to her leaving abruptly. He concluded he would talk to her more about it when she was ready. He wanted to be on Naomi's good side when he spoke to her about what was going through her head so he decided to let it go for now. He definitely would talk to her soon, but for now he just wanted to be in her company, even if they didn't talk. He just missed her and wanted to be near her for now.

Naomi watched Theo nod his head understandably at her confession. She was relieved he was actually okay with that. To be honest she thought he'd force her to talk but she was happy that he was accepting. Maybe hanging out with Theo wasn't so bad.

"Zoot?" He offered, grinding up his weed

Naomi looked at him hesitantly. A zoot would be great right now but with Theo was another thing. She couldn't help but think back to the last time they smoked alone. That night in his room where they hot boxed it and then they almost kissed and she saw his fuckboy tendencies firsthand. Oh how that felt like yesterday but in reality was almost a year ago.

Theo watched her open her mouth and then close it immediately. It was as if she wanted to say yes but wouldn't allow herself. That's when knew her mind must of gone back to that night when they smoked together for the first time. When they almost kissed for the first time, but to be honest, he had no intentions of that he just wanted her to relax. She seemed stressed and he also thought why not be in her company as well.

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