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"I am right out there with you the entire time, Ahsoka, so don't worry about it." Jovul pointed out to his fellow padawan, as he got into his own ship and R5 chirped at them.

"Ahsoka, you will do great. We both believe that you can handle this, or I would not even be daring to allow his wish, Anakin's to do it." Silver said, as she smiled at the young padawan and the call in began.

"This is two-- Axe. Ready when you are, Skipper."

"Ready on three. And this is Slammer, over."

"Ready on four. Kickback checking in, over."

"Tucker on five. Waiting for the mother bird, over."

"Mandalorian, ready and waiting for the call. We're with you." Jovul said as he flicked switches, and R5 powers up the engine.

They all flew out of the ships and at once, fighters soared their way. "Got incoming and a lot of them!" Jovel felt like it was prudent to warn them, and the weapons were charged, but not yet firing.

"Commanders, you are all clear."

Admiral Yularen's voice was heard through Ahsoka's com and Jovul's, as they swooped through the air and the two leveled off, as Jovul dropped back and began to fire at the big wave of fighters in front of him.

Until they had no chance against the massive weapons that the enemy was employing against them. Every single second that passed, another clone was going down and now as of this second it was only Jovul, Ahsoka and three clones left.

"Behind you, Commander!" Axe shouted at Jovul, who had time to pull on his helmet, just before another dying clone fighter had crashed into his.

"Jovul!" Ahsoka shouted and luckily out of the wreckage came Jovul, who was blazing out of there, like his tail was on fire, as his armor was ash covered and dirty, from the blast that his ship had caused.

"I told you that I was out here to watch your back. Now go and get us out of here, the cruisers are going to start falling!" Jovul said and he held a blaster in each hand, and his jetpack fired up.

"Jovul Wren, don't you ever do that to me again!" Silver ordered, and Jovul's face was a grimace, under his helmet, as he nodded, despite her not being at all able to see it.

"You got it Master." He said and blasted off closer to one of the big Separatists blockade ships, as they didn't notice him, too focused on the big guns.

The Redeemer had gone down and Jovul staggered quickly now into the hangar again and as Ahsoka lands her ship, he walked over and hugged her.

"Jovul." Silver said and Jovul pulled off his helmet, heaving immediately at the sudden lack of pressure on him and his lungs. "Medical bay." She stated and he nodded quickly, as he got supported by her and Captain Rex, who came out of nowhere to help.

"You all right?" Ahsoka asked quietly of Jovul, who had been forced to take off his armor in order to rest properly, which clearly pained him to do so.

"Yeah, I'll be okay. I am just a little sick, 'cause of the pressure. It is really no big deal, Ahsoka." He said, and she reached out a hand to his, and he was smiling a bit, as he squeezed her hand a bit. "I'm still watchin' your back, kid, as usual, don't you worry about it." He said and Ahsoka smiles a bit at him, as she went to go and see Anakin.

Despite strict orders from Master Silver Skywalker to stay in the med bay, Jovul was already back up, and walking in his armor and making his way to the bridge, while an unusually Silver and Anakin, already had a plan in motion.

"Let's do this, boys." Jovul said and slipped his helmet on over his head to the salutes of the clone crew, and now Ahsoka and him were both in two of the bombers.

"Let's go, boys!" Jovul called out and the bombers were now all destroying everything in sight to do with enemies and Ahsoka laughed.

"I won't even ask when the two Skywalkers are currently in a small escape pod." Obi-Wan's voice, it came out of hyperspace, and Silver laughs a little bit, at the lack of surprise in his voice.

"Good to see you too, Obi-Wan." Her voice came through and Rex picks up their escape pod, and they got quickly flown back to the remaining cruiser of the Skywalker Fleet.

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