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"Stay close to me, if you can." Anakin challenged Ahsoka as Jovul and Silver were talking quietly.

"The abandoned monastery is up higher than any of us can reach on our own without the ships, except for you. Just make sure, that your jetpack doesn't get hit. Understood?" Silver's voice was serious and Jovul nods, and slipped his helmet on over his head.

"This isn't practice, Ahsoka." Anakin spoke sharply to his padawan, whose confidence and trigger-happy natures was beginning to finally get on people and their nerves.

"I know, and I'll try not to get you killed." Ahsoka bantered back and Jovul shakes his head.

"I think I liked you better when we first met." He muttered and Ahoska tried to hit him, but stops just before doing so, remembering that he had a full armor set of Beskar that he wears always.

"Close the blast shields, Lieutenant and get us under those guns!" Anakin and Silver both shout at him in unison now, as they were both Generals and a moment later, the doors were closed and Jovul's helmet was lightin' up and he was drumming his fingers on the hilts of his blasters.

"Welcome to your own personal paradise, rock-jumpers." One of the other clones stated and they were on the ground and running quickly.

"Jovul, now!" Silver ordered and her padawan slapped his jet-pack quickly and he soared up into the sky, firing a blaster with one hand and holdin' one of his two lightsabers lit up blue in order to block shots, with the other.

"Ahsoka, be careful!" He heard Anakin shouting and Jovul's head swung around quickly, as he saw the Togruta falling off of the walkers.

"I've got her!" He shouted down to Anakin, as he puts his blaster away and jetted down towards her position and she caught his arm quickly. "Got you." He said and deposited her back on top of it, as he jet-packed up onto a edge of the monastery on the cliff.

Silver hopped up quickly after him and Silver stayed with the clones just inside the monastery after the second attack had started, while Jovul went a bit more deeper with Ahsoka and an annoyed sounding Anakin.

Anakin was the one carrying the Huttlet now, while Ahsoka and Jovul were attempting to fend off Ventress, Dooku's apprentice.

Jovul slapped his jet-pack and he quickly flew off after Ahsoka and Anakin, who were on a flying thing.

"I sense Obi-Wan." Silver reported and she flung her hand out towards the droids, and a bunch of them were exploding. "Anakin, where is Jovul?"

She asked into her communicator, as she was swingin' her single lightsaber in a familiar pattern now, slashing all of the droids she could reach.

"Right here, Master." Jovul soared over their combat and dove right into the middle of it, lighting up his blades, as they charged into the fight.

"Obi-Wan! If you can hear me, we have another problem! Ventress, she is also here!" She called into her coms, but got static and had no idea if her message had gotten through.

Silver and Jovul, they were doing their own work now and Jovul was helping the clones, while Silver was fighting Ventress with her staff now.

Obi-Wan was definitely fighting Ventress as well now, as they were both trying, to keep her distracted from going after Anakin.

After Anakin and Ahsoka had successfully returned the Huttlet to Jabba, they all went to meet them on Tatooine and they were all hailed as a bunch of heroes by Jabba the Hutt.

"Well done. Now, we have to prepare for what comes next." Silver murmurs to Ahsoka and Anakin, who both nod.

[1] The Mandalorian Padawan [The Clone Wars]Where stories live. Discover now