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"Senator. Psst, Senator Amidala!" The Naboo Senator looks up, as, Jovul was firing at the droids around the hangar and none of them, knew where it was comin' from.

Padmé Amidala bolted off swiftly to where he was standing, right behind the huge stack of crates. "You must be Jovul, Silver Skywalker's padawan. In this case, your armor is very much the clearest indicator." Padmé said and he nods.

"Pleased to meet you. Although, I do wish that it was under a better sort of circumstances. Because, this situation is definitely, most certainly not ideal."

"I would be inclined to agree at this very moment. My ship's engine is just about to overload and my droid is still behind me. Shall we retrieve C-3PO as we run?" Padmé confirmed and Jovul nods, as he moves his targeting scope down, to see through it better.

He fired at the nearest group of droids, just as the Naboo Senator's ship blew up. The three of them ran swiftly, and Jovul was holding two of his many blasters and other weapons in his hands, destroying small groups of droids, just before they could begin to call out for reinforcements.

He used the Force to drag them into corners and be hidden behind walls a bit, as he was trying to keep their path untraceable.

"Well, I will definitely be admitting for your sake and my own, that you have pleasantly surprised me with a show of maturity, for your age." She'd state, and Jovul shakes his head a little bit.

"I still have much to learn and I always will." He murmured and they continued to run, as C-3P0 struggles to keep up. "Stop." He whispered harshly and yanks C-3P0 back, from where he had been about to run directly into an big group of Separatist droids.

He clamped his hand over the golden protocol droid's mouth, and drags him behind a pillar, as Padmé was already back there.

Silver's comlink beeped and so did Anakin's, as an incoming message was being patched through to them from a communications panel inside of the Malevolence.

"Master, can you hear us?" Jovul's voice crackled through the comlink on their wrist, as Silver grinned.

"Yes, Jovul we can. Are you with the Senator?" She asked and the crackling was heard yet again.

"Anakin." Of course Padmé was ignoring everybody else around them and Silver rolled her eyes a bit.

"Padmé, are you all right? Where are you?" Anakin asked rather sharply, as Jovul snorted from the other end.

"I am on the lower levels now with Jovul and C-3P0. I'm fine, but I don't know for how long. The droids are quite literally everywhere." Padmé pointed out.

"As long as you have Jovul protecting you, you can handle the droids. What makes him so deadly, is that you can't see his lightsabers until it's too late. In most battles, no one knows that he's a Jedi until too late." Silver pointed out.

"Obi-Wan, Silver and I are now on board, too." Anakin interrupted and Silver sent a clear glare his way.

"What?! What are you doing here?!" Padmé sounded legitimately confused and Silver shakes her head a little bit.

"We came to get you off of this damned ship." Anakin stated and they had found a good way to meet them in the middle of the Malevolence.

Jovul and Obi-Wan were going in the direction of the Hyperdrive, as Silver was dealing with the droids, trying to follow them and Padmé was with the other Skywalker.

Obi-Wan and Jovul were completely surrounded by droids now, after only seeing two droids originally.

As usual for him, Jovul's twin blue lightsabers were under the backplate of his beskar armor and were actually considered his backup weapons, other weapons aside. Which clones thought was strange for a Jedi, but most of the clones and such tried to understand it as best they could.

General Grievous leapt down and landed in front of them with a blaster in hand as he made it clear, that in his mind, the Jedi were all ignorant and a arrogant order of people.

Jovul pulled out his two blasters and he began to fire at the bigger droids at the moment, while he and Obi-Wan as a team were behind the Destroyers, as they used them as shields.

They both ran off after the droids were gone and Grievous was now left behind them. Silver found herself and two droids, walking back toward their ship.

Jovul was running swiftly alongside Obi-Wan once again, as they were all being chased, by what felt like a good hundred or so droids.

"Hold the ship!" Obi-Wan shouted as they all leapt into the ship, as they all flew off and the Malevolence was just a mess, as it flew itself right into their moon.

"Nicely done Anakin." Silver said and Jovul finally got to pull off his helmet, to the extreme laughter of their crew.

"That is going to be a running joke now isn't it, Master?" Jovul questioned and everybody continued to laugh, as it answered his question just fine. "I'm taking that as a yes." He confirmed.

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