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Silver was watching the holo with Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, as Jovul was keeping eyes out for the droids in any of the areas, around where they were stationed.

"Master Kenobi, glad Ahsoka found you, I am." Master Yoda said, as Silver bowed vert slightly to the hologram of the Grand Master of the Jedi Council.

"Master Yoda, we are trapped here, and vastly outnumbered. We are in no position to go anywhere, or even do any thing." Obi-wan states as Silver looked up, raising her eyebrows at an sudden surge of red light, in out in the distant sky.

"I'm gonna get to the Lookout post to meet with Jovul." Silver said and she'd leap quickly through the air and keeps jumping until she got onto the balcony.

"We have a problem, General." Cody stated and Silver sighed a little, as she looked at the sky, and started seeing a hint of red.

"A energy shield. Of course the Separatists would have an energy shield to work with. Anakin!" She called out and her brother came over with Ahsoka Tano trailing behind him and Jovul landed on the roof lightly to listen as well.

"We've got a serious problem. I can see how they have got their troops set up from the air, and the shield is only a few steps ahead of their troops at all times." Jovul said and Silver sighed.

"We need to talk with Obi-wan. We need to figure out a plan and fast. Let us go." Silver stated, being the highest ranking Jedi who was there, and they all raced off quickly, with Jovul flying overhead.

"The shield generator is somewhere in this area. They're slowly increasing the diameter of it and keeping it only just ahead of their troops." Obi-Wan's voice was cool and collected as usual, as Jovul dropped down to stand next to Silver, with Ahsoka and Anakin on his other side.

He pulled off his helmet and smiled slightly at Ahsoka, who grinned back to him.

"Heavy cannons, they are going to be useless against that." Captain Rex was saying, and Jovul steps forward, as he narrowed his eyes, at the holographic map of the city where they stood.

"You're right. Heavy cannons are useless against it... but I'm not." Jovul said and everybody looked around at the rest of the group.

"Your Beskar protects you, yes. But you can't hope to protect everybody in this area at once." Silver points out gently to him as Jovul shook his head.

"I don't need to protect everybody. If someone can get behind the shield to shut it down, I can delay the droids. It isn't like the Jedi commonly have a lot of Beskar armor protecting them. It'd work to our advantage. It is like, a big surprise. Even without my lightsaber, I like my chances of surviving." Jovul points out and they all looked at each other, then at Silver, who was looking at the hologram.

"He is your apprentice." Obi-Wan reminded and Silver nods quickly and she looked at Jovul, who quieted as he waited for her response.

"I approve of your plan. But until the battle is finished, your helmet is on. It would be highly embarrassing for you to get shot in the head by a cannon, as you were protecting everybody else."

Jovul smiled slightly, despite the horrible situation. "Yes Master." He said and Ahsoka bumped his elbow with hers, wincing at the Beskar that hit her. "Sorry." He mumbled.

"If that shield's gonna be such a problem, then why don't we just take it out?" Ahsoka asked and as Jovul chuckled a little, they all looked at her with a sort of respect and disapproval combination.

"Easier said than done." Rex pointed out gravely and Jovul nods, as he puts his helmet on, and looked out towards where the energy shield was comin' at them with enemies behind it.

"We only have a few minutes or so until they get across the bridge. It was limiting their reaction time, slowin' all of them down, because of the width of the bridge. Once they get across it, the troops won't have any of that troubles anymore." Jovul reported, shutting off the 'binoculars' setting in his helmet.

"Well, I for one, agree with her." It was very much an Anakin thing to do in this moment, to struggle to agreein' with his new padawan learner. "I mean, someone has to get to that shield generator and destroy it. That's the key." He pointed out.

"Right, then. Maybe you two can tiptoe through the enemy lines and figure out how to solve this particular problem, together." Obi-Wan cleverly stated and Jovul turned back towards them.

"Five minutes at most. If we are not planning to surrender right away for all of our sakes now, we should be get to moving." Jovul said sharply, as they all went away to do their own smaller preparations.

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