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The greatest heroes, they don't start out that way. The greatest heroes are people, like you and me, who have seen hardships in the galaxy, and decided to step up and to finally just do something about it.

~Silver Skywalker


The battle had been going well on the war-strewn planet of Christophis for a few people.

Mainly for the three Jedi, the many clones that came with them, and then as well, the one padawan learner that came with them.

"They're back!" The younger Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker called out in an annoying tone of voice that said he knew that he was right.

"We knew that this was bound to happen." Silver Skywalker landed next to her younger brother, as she spoke calmly and stands up, her staff on her belt and a single lightsaber on the other side of it.

"Master Skywalker! They are fast approaching!" Silver looked up to the skies and so did Anakin by instinct, as Silver's new padawan Jovul Wren was shouting from where he was hovering in the air with his jetpack and his face helmet on and he was wearing his old Mandalorian armor, as he always did in battle situations.

"Come down!" Silver called through her com link, as he dove down with a nod, landing gently next to his master and her brother, and Obi-Wan Kenobi came racing over to join them.

"I told you that this victory was much too easy. We should have never sent a remaining ship, back up for supplies!" Obi-Wan said and the two Skywalkers looked at each other, and then, turned to him.

"It wasn't either of our ideas to send the ship--" Anakin began, and then a loud shudder, and creaking sounds all at once, went swiftly through ground under their feet.

"Back up for supplies!" Silver finished her little brother's sentence with well practiced ease, and at the simple and a bit annoying synchronized manner, Obi-Wan simply just rolls his eyes and Anakin quickly calls Captain Rex over to them. "Stay close to Anakin." Silver said quietly to her padawan Jovul who just dips his head, in a bit of clear acknowledgement of the clear order.

"All right, men. Second wave incoming." Obi-Wan ordered and Anakin nodded quickly.

"Rex, you and your men are with me and Jovul." Anakin said, having heard the quiet order given from the Master to her padawan.

"I'll be ground support." Silver said and her eyes flashed, as she unhooked her saber staff from her belt, and both sides lit up green.

"Cody, battle positions!" Obi-Wan ordered the other Clone captain, as Silver leapt quickly forward to meet the droid army, and they immediately began to fire at her.

Silver slashed through droids and when she was not too busy wading through droid parts and as well doing her best to deflect shots back at their enemies, she was also keeping a very close eye on both her little brother as well as on Jovul.

"Up to the front!" She heard Captain Cody shouting from not too far behind her, as she was doing her very best to draw the fire away from the clones, as Obi-Wan gave the order to fire.

"Skywalker should have attacked by now!" She heard Captain Cody shout and she focused hard, and one of the big droids explodes from the inside of itself, as she focused with the Force on the inner workings.

"Well done!" She heard Obi-Wan call out, as they fought side-by-side.

"You would have done the same, if you didn't outrank me by the slightest little bit and needed to command the clones!" She points out and he laughs.

"True enough!" He called back and out of nowhere came Anakin and his group, which included Jovul. The jedi with the jetpack, as many of the clone troopers had christened him.

"Come on, then!" Obi-Wan shouted and dropped his lightsaber down a bit in the signal as their clone troopers as one big unit, they all charged.

"They are pulling back." Anakin said and Silver narrowed her eyes, as she spotted Jovul's shining blue lightsaber still activated.

"Hey, I see the ship." Jovul said and he would just narrow his eyes sharply, as he smirked a little.

"Hopefully, it's our reinforcements and our supplies. Because we are by now, definitely running dangerously low on both." It was Silver as usual for their group, who was not one to ever really find it necessary or helpful now to them, to sugarcoat the truth from anyone.

Not even her own brother or her padawan.

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