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"Commander, what is the damage level to the enemy ship?" Obi-Wan asked as Silver walked onto the bridge of Obi-Wan's jedi cruiser. And as always, Jovul was walking by her side with his helmet tucked under his arm.

"She's lost her primary shield and stabilizers, but the ship, it is just so massive that it can take all the fire, that our cannons can give it."

"Could it take the fire from a Mandalorian's weapons, from right behind it?" Silver asked and Obi-Wan looked behind him at the two.

"Thank you both for coming." He said and the pair nodded slightly, and they joined him in looking at the fiery sorts of wreckage that the Malevolence had become. "While I do respect weapons, and the prowess of the Mandalore who wield them... I do not believe that a frontal assault with one boy, could do the trick unfortunately."

"I understand, Master Kenobi." Jovul stated and bowed to him, as he spoke and Silver reassuringly pats Jovul on the back, very gently since the Beskar still hurt anyone.

"We must summon reinforcements." Master Plo pointed out, and Silver raised her eyebrows at his words.

"What are we?" She asked with an incredulous look on her face, as Jovul and his expression was currently now mimicking hers.

"That's why I'm here, Master Plo." She rolled her eyes at the sight of Anakin's familiar face and was happier to see a familiar padawan as well.

"Anakin, were you able to contact Master Luminara at all?" Obi-Wan was back to business as usual, which was what made him so effective, in a combat situation like this.

"Yes, Master. She is busy with a fleet of Separatist reinforcements nearby. I believe, that she won't be able to give support, until she has turned them all away." Anakin stated.

"Then we'll have to make do with what we have." Obi-Wan reluctantly said and Jovul looked at them, and his fingers were rather eagerly tappin' his helmet in preparation.

"Obi-Wan?" Silver asked of the older Jedi Master, but they all knew that it wasn't a question, not really.

"Go on then." Obi-Wan said with a bit of a smile, as Jovul slips on his helmet and raced down to the hangar bay, as a bunch of ships, were moving, out of his way. "Do you know all of our main targets?" Obi-Wan questioned.

"Yes Master Kenobi. I completely memorized them, right qfter we got the intel. Right after the battle for the emergency medical station." Jovul's voice crackled through their comlinks and he flew off out ahead of them and now he was leading the assault.

"He is way, way too excited for anybody here, about this job." Ahsoka stated, and Silver couldn't help, but let a chuckle escape because the younger padawan was very much so in a right.

"I heard that, Padawan Tano!" How Jovul possibly had time to complain about anything, when he was firing at a massive Separatist warship, none of them knew.

"All ships, target the bridge! The maximum fire power!" Obi-Wan ordered. "Jovul, that means you as well." He said.

"You got it Master Kenobi. Open firing... now." Jovul unleashed all of his weapons at once, excluding any of his lightsabers, and he was doing as he was ordered, targetting the bridge at the moment. "You have to stop, you have to hold your fire! There is a small Naboo ship out here!" His voice cracks into the comlinks.

"Gunners, stand down!" Obi-Wan ordered and suddenly Padmé was on their hologram.

"Master, I'm caught in the Malevolence's tractor beam as well, I will protect the Senator." Jovul seems oddly calm about being trapped on an enemy ship, but then again, he was a trained Mandalorian.

"Jovul, keep your helmet on!" Was unironically, the first thing that came out of Silver's mouth.

"We have to get them out." Silver stated and Anakin followed her at once, as Obi-Wan finally followed the two Skywalkers as well.

"Are you two absolutely sure about this?" Obi-Wan asks and Silver looked at him with a fierce glare as she chose to stand and let Obi-Wan co-pilot, and she knew that he would definitely regret it, if he was standing during the flight.

"The enemy sensors are obviously damaged, so we will sneak in behind them and dock the ship without any sort of trouble now, at the emergency airlock." Anakin sounded excited, and Silver looked beyond annoyed at her brother's excitment.

"Am I actually related to you? Truly am I?" She asked and Anakin looked at her, as she shakes her head. "I was truly left wondering about it there for a moment." She mumbled.

"Really? That's your plan-- Just fly there, land, hope they don't spot us, and walk in the door?" Obi-Wan was sounding even more incredulous than usual and Silver knew why.

Because... it was definitely one of now, if not the stupidest, most idiotic plan that her little brother had ever come up with.

"Basically." Anakin stated and Obi-Wan's eye roll was as clear as a bell, and Silver stifled a laugh.

"Oh, brilliant. Let's just go and get going." Obi-Wan said and Silver let the familiar serious expressions take over her face, as Anakin flew off.

They all rose up into the airlock and Obi-Wan made his opinions very clear at once, as he was prone to doing with them both. "Anakin, you're crazy. The spinning is not flying." He stated.

"But it's a good trick." Anakin pointed out and Silver summoned her staff, as she felt someone approaching.

Two droids spotted them at once and before either of the guys could move, a familiar green staff cut both of their droid enemies in half, before shutting off and returning to Silver's left hand.

"That works as well." Obi-Wan said and Silver grinned a bit, and she was calmly hooking it back to her belt and the three of them ran off together.

[1] The Mandalorian Padawan [The Clone Wars]Where stories live. Discover now