Chapter 37: Dress

Start from the beginning

I wore a sexy burgundy backless dress matched with heels with long lace. I haven't really wore something like this. I always wear jeans when I go to Historia's party back in the days. I want change and try something I haven't did so I am wearing this. I brushed my long straight hair and let it fall over my shoulder.

I looked over the bag I put the Eren doll before and smiled. Maybe I'll just give it to him on his graduation day. Yeah, maybe.

I put some makeup on and lipstick and went down.

" looks so gorgeous sweetie! I'm taking a picture." Carla was in awe as she checked my look and took several pictures.

"You're dress is so beautiful. I love it!" She cheered gawking at my dress.

I laughed at how cute she is. I was stopped when Eren cleared his throat. He was leaning by the door frame wearing a black polo with sleeves folded to his arms and blacks pants with his hands in his pockets.

"I don't think we'll come home early." I chuckled at Carla.

"Son, come here and stand next to Mikasa! Come one hurry up!" Carla says as she points to my direction.

Oh here he is.

"Make it quick mom. We'll be late." He says and I mentally smiled at how he got instructed by his mom like a kid.

"Come on. You are so far from her. Put your arms on her shoulder or anything just do it!" She hisses and I heard Eren sigh as he puts his arms over my shoulder.

My heart was beating fast as soon as his fabric touches my skin.

"Smiiiileeeee.." Carla says as the lights flashes and we both smile at the camera.

"Oh my God. My gorgeous kids." She laughed wickedly and Eren takes back his arms immediately.

I hate to admit but why does this look like I am that shy girl in high school who has a huge crush on Eren and my supportive mom wants me to take a picture with him??

"We'll go now. Hurry up Mikasa." He says as he went ahead of me.

Still the stoic guy huh? I am still not forgetting how you ignored me for years Eren.

"Please tell Grisha we'll be late. Eren might not be able to drive tonight." I laughed shyly at Carla and she hugged me.

"Oh don't worry about it. Go on and enjoy!"  She pushes me towards the door and waved at us.

The car whistled and I opened the door.

"What are you wearing?"

I expected him to be silent even at this time but he is suddenly talking to me???

I scoffed. Took you long enough Eren. It's too late.

"A dress." I answered.

"A very revealing dress! And you know the environment there is not the same as what we had in high school!!" He started driving and I looked at him.

I furrowed my eyebrows. What is he throwing a fit for?

"Does it have anything to do with you?" I asked.

"Of course!! You are my girlfriend did you forget that?!" My mouth went open as I hit him.

I can't belive him. He still has the audacity to call me his girlfriend after all these years?? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR? ALL OF THE DAYS I HAVE TO SUFFER FOR IGNORING ME?!

"Stop joking around Eren." I kept my eyes on the road. This shit again.

He will tell me I am his girlfriend and then in the next years ignore me again like nothing fucking happened.

"I am not joking." He says clearly.

I looked at him fuming mad. I tilted my head in disbelief. I can't believe him.

"Are you really sure you are my boyfriend?" I glared at him and I saw him serious.

"I'm sorry. I know you're tired of waiting for me Mikasa." He says.

I felt pain once again welling up inside me and I closed my mouth. I won't cry after all this time.

"Good thing you know." I said.

"I'll never let you go once I'm done. I don't want to fuck up everything I sacrificed for." He says which made me think about things.

Sure. Give it your all Eren. Just few more months and I'll also be leaving. Maybe, you'll realize my worth when you won't see me anymore.

"I swear Mikasa. I won't screw up." His eyes were on the road but he was stealing glances at me.

"Prove it." I whispered and the familiar lawn welcomed us.

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