Chapter 2

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the library
'I still have that umbrella'
'I actually really like you, a lot'
Her words echoed in my head.  Was I to harsh? Could I have somehow worded it differently to make her feel better I didn't know. 
"Well how about that!" Plagg said as he flew out of my jacket.  "Now you broke her heart!" 
"I know!  I know..." I said "But what could I possibly do?  If I don't like her back... there is no way I could lie to her she's one of my closest friends!  I just didn't realize that to her I was more than a friend.  And you know already about my love for ladybug!"  I was crushed, maybe there was something I could do for her.. make it easier... I so badly wanted to hold her after I saw the look on her face when I said we couldn't be together.  But that would only confuse her more.  I do have love for her...  I do.  But not the kind she feels for me. 
Suddenly a different thought came up, what if she becomes akumatized by hawkmoth because of me?  Oh what have I done?  I threw my books into my bag and rushed out the door of the library.  I nearly crashed into Alya at the end of the hallway.  "Oh Alya thank goodness I found you!" I said.  "Umm... do... you... know where Marinette is?"  I stammered out of breath. 
"Where Marinette is? I thought she was with you?!" She said sounding very confused. 
"Well, she was actually then she left... and now I can't find her and it's kinda an emergency." I rambled. 
"An emergency what do you mean an emergency? Wait... did she tell you something... well you know?" She asked.
"Yes and then she left and she was really shooken up. I-I d-don't want her to get akumatized." 
"Oh... well we better hurry! Before an akuma gets to her first."  So we both ran through the halls calling her name, Alya checked the washroom and just about every possible nook and cranny all over the school.  And we even tried calling her cellphone and her parents just in case.  We even checked for an akuma alert on my phone. 
"It's like she vanished!" Alya said.  "Where else could she possibly be?" 
"I don't know..." I mumbled. 
"Well... she will probably turn up eventually." Alya said with a sigh.  Just then the bell rang class was starting up again and we didn't want to be late. 
At Adrien's house:
Marinette didn't show up for class that afternoon and when I asked the teacher ms. Bustier she said she had gone home because she was sick.  Just great I had thought.  How am I going to make it up to her?  I have to patrol with ladybug in an hour... maybe she will know what to do.  No! I can't wait that long!  If she doesn't want to see Adrien then she can see Chat Noir!  Yes I'll go visit her in my superhero form.  Brilliant I thought.
"Plagg claws out!" I said. I was instantly transformed into the crime akuma fighting Chat Noir. 
I jumped from roof to roof using my pole occasionally to keep me steady.  Soon I was at Marinette's balcony.  I peeked in the window and sure enough she was sitting on her bed with her head in her hands.  She looks so sad.  I lightly tapped on the window, and she instantly looked up and saw me.  Her expression was somewhat confused shocked and still sad.  She came to the window and opened it. 
"What on earth are you doing here?" She asked in an unreadable tone.  
"Oh I uh...was just patrolling the city and thought I'd stop by.  And see how you have been doing."  I said. I had to make this up so she wouldn't guess my secret identity. 
"Well currently... I'm not feeling all that great and I don't really feel like having company... so...". She said with a sigh and slowly started to close the window.
"What do you mean?  Did someone do something to you are you hurt?" I said in a most concerned of voice as possible. 
"I guess you could say that." she said.  And reopened the window and sat back down on her bed.   I climbed carefully through the window and walked into her room. 
"Do you mind if I ask what happened?" I said.
"Well... you see there's this really nice guy in my class at school, and well I have had a crush on him pretty much since we met... and today I told him about it and well he he obviously doesn't return the feelings."  She said.  Then she told me all about him from what he looks like to exactly how he made her feel.  This was a whole new side of Marinette that I had never ever seen before.  When she had finished talking all I could manage to say was "wow."  Then she looked at me as I f I had 6 heads. 
" I don't think I've told anyone about this before... not even my parents or Alya." She said.  I realized that somehow she had felt comfortable enough to pour her heart out to me.  That made me feel a hint of pride.  But it faded as her face fell and she started to cry again.  "I just..." her voice trailed off as she started talking again.  I looked down at my feet and realized that I've been sitting in her desk chair.  "Well..." she began again her voice hushed and Cakey with tears.  "I really wanted him to like me... and after all this time of hoping and dreaming, I had somehow convinced myself that that he would accept me as soon as I told him... but I was wr-rong..." she sputtered into full blown sobs now.  And I finally realized how much Adrien... well I... had hurt her.  I couldn't take it anymore. 
"I am so, so sorry Marinette." I said as I walked over and caressed her into a hug.  She melted into me, and kept crying   And crying.  I didn't know what to say so I just sat down and hugged her tighter. 

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