Chapter ten: The temple (and also some flying practices)

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After a few tries of flying through the windy and chilly clouds crashing on the land near the temple ungracefully, they managed to get there. Though they needed to practice their flying to ensure that they wouldn't have to crash as many times as they did right now later on. 

Their first tries seemed hopeless at first with a lot of chaos of hitting each other on accident and unable to hold the balance on the air with their capes. Sure, they weren't perfect, but they could at least use some practice before continuing their journey.  At first, their formations were not working out with the elder ones always crashing the youngest ones faces. Took many tries to perfect all their positions in order to get the right formations. 

But of course, they needed more than one formation since there could be some problems during the rest of the journey so they spent more time on practicing formations, tricks, and their flying in general than they hoped, or expected. 

They then needed to work on dodging since well, they always crashed onto many different things like the temple or the land or even the clouds themselves. Plus, the clouds were very windy themselves so it made it even harder to fly near them, even though they provide light, it always bounced them off if they were flying wrong.

They were lucky they had capes instead of wings since they were more lightweight but the thing was that they couldn't control their capes since the cape just moved through the wind or with their movements. 

But enough of their practice of flying, let's focus on their journey to the temple shall we?

The temple (but without their attempts of flying ever so perfectly)

The temple was huge and ancient with cracks on the walls, pillars, the floors, and even the door that stood right in front of them.

And yes, it was a door. Well actually, it was two big doors that were closed. On each side of the walls inside the temple were three unlit candles. Two of the sky kids lit them up to reveal drawings of what seemed like the people that used to live here and their story. The sky kids that stayed at the door saw that only one was lit and the other needed to be lit so that they could be both open, at least they all thought that was true. 

At least their thoughts were right though, other wise they wouldn't have been sitting on the white circle that formed when the lit a candle that was in front of the stone. 

It was well, certainly a place since the was more inside the temple. It had a bridge to cross between the other room to this one and the rest was clouds below. Luckily, there were strong winds that blocked them from going there. 

After they sat on the white circle, they saw something extraordinary, something they ever excpected.

They wondered, was that person the reason why there were no others here? Or was it the guardian of this world.

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