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There once were seven kingdoms with realms of their own.

The first was named after one of the eldest elder, Isle. Grandfather of Daylight. Isle, who made the beauty of the sky with clouds that can refill your energy all at once and meaningful colors. The elder was the first to know about the one of the first light creatures. The kingdom had many boats who sailed and reached the shores. Many people had an artistic ability to make stories of what they drew. It was the most respected kingdom of all. It was the first realm to ever be created.

The second realm was named after the great uncle of Valley and Triumph. Granson of Isle dawn. It was the second realm to be created. The elder was the first to ever know how to communicate with the first creatures the light. Th elder to first teach the children a new language to extend their knowledge. Daylight, who created the flowers that stood on the grassy hills, clouds that recharged your life in seconds. Caves with butterflies and great blue skys with mantas and birds soaring. Fish who lived in the watery ponds scattered if you scared them. It was the most beautiful and second realm created.

The third realm was named after the sibling of Daylight and guardian Valley and Triumph. It was the third realm to ever be created. The elder who taught the minor pain to the children who dared to disobey. Forest, who was quite a naughty child in childhood but learned its consequences. Forest, who taught the children to never disobey by making them witness the minor pain with the dark plants in mantas. And the one who taught physical pain with the dark crabs that would pounce if you got to close. But, Forest had to heal the children with the light lily pads and guided the children home with the help of the birds if they freed the mantas. It was one of the place where you can teach the children to be better and the third realm ever created.

The fourth realm was named after twins who had their guardian as Forest and the siblings of the elder of Vault. The two twin elders, who taught the children joy and thrill. Valley, twin of Triumph, and one of the symbols of Yin. Valley, the elder who taught the children of the judgement of looking at something, thinking it might be bad, but could be good. Love and death, intelligence with friendship. The elder that taught the children on self defense and protection against the darkness and evil. Triumph, twin of Valley, and one of the symbols of yang. Triumph, the elder who taught the children of the judgement of looking at something, thinking that something might be good, but could be bad. None evil, but none good. Both taught the children the good and the bad. With the power, they made the realm with races and thrilling events with respectful competitors and cheering bystanders. Its the place where you can teach the children skill and competition. The fourth realm ever created with the two twins, Valley and Triumph.

The fifth realm was for those who've done to much and gone to far. Named after the other guardian of Valley and Triumph and older sibling of Forest, Golden. Golden, the child who would go bad but soon learn the consequences of the action. Golden, who made the realm with the darkest punishments ever, to dark creatures to dark land and water. It was a battlefield where the warriors would fight evil. Golden, who taught the children about teamwork, patience, discipline, and fighting. It had the swords and spears all throughout the final area, the closest ones to the temple. The guards guarded and protected the citizens of the kingdom and prevented crime from happening. Big and small creatures would work together protecting eachother and the entire kingdom. When someone would do unspeakably wrong, they would have to face the severe consequences of the elder. All would have to wait for the small fights and battles to stop so that none would get hurt. However, everyone can learn fight quite well but will not use that skill unless necessary. The realm that was one of the most violent one but was most of the time a peaceful realm.

The sixth realm created was named after the eldest sibling of Valley and Triumph and Eden, Vault. The realm for those who were worthy enough knowing the knowledge the stored. It was a school with polite students, delicate objects, and its knowledge passed onto books. Shelves so high up, you needed a ladder.  Doors that were opened to secret areas if you were lucky enough to find them. Huge and old mantas with their families soared through the high floors of the school. The top floor covered with flowers that laid on the green grass, seeing the mantas soar high and low if you sat on the grass. Vault, who taught the children of being polite and gratefulness though the halls. Knowledge was not taught due to all books being there, waiting to be read. This was for the children that needed knowledge and the ones that got punishments. All needed to learn. The realm was known for the knowledge stored and the ones who came back gracefully.

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