Chapter 7

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Louis POV

Christmas soon came and went, it was now New Years eve. Mollie was now 7 months pregnant so the baby would be here in 2 months. I was nervous after Nicoles dramatic birth, but i knew things would be fine in the end, we didnt no what gender the baby was we wanted it to be a surprise. Tonight we were having a party at my house, we had a room full of alcohol so we should be short of booze. I had promised Mollie that i wouldnt drink as much as normal because she couldnt drink, Alfie was at Nicoles parents house back in Lincolnshire for the week so they were going to be drinking tonight.  the girls were making food all day for the party, Niall kept pinching things from the table when nobody was looking though. Me and the rest of the lads had been forced into cleaning the house, which is possibly the worst job ever.

We had finally finished polishing and hoovering the downstairs, we all slumped on the sofa and sighed. I was tired already and it was only 4pm people wouldnt be coming until around 8pm, i had time for a little nap. "Shall we get this party this party started!" Harry called out, surely he couldnt be planning to start drinking yet, its to early. Ever since christmas he has been trying to convice us all that he was happy and he had moved on from Mollie, but even i could hear his cries at night time, he was the most unhappy we had ever seen him but he wouldnt tell us that.

"I will have a beer but im not drinking too much yet, or i wont see midnight" Niall laughed, they stood up and walked to the spare room were all the alcohol was being kept.

"Well im off for a nap guys, im so tired" i stood up and walked into the bedroom, the bed looked so invitied, i pulled my top and jeans off and dived onto the bed, it didnt take me long to fall asleep.

Harry POV

Tonight i am going to get so drunk i couldnt move, so drunk i cant remember a thing in the morning and nobody is going to stop me. Ever since my talk with the barman on Christmas day i have been trying my hardest to put a smile on my face, hopefully i have convinced people im happy again. Inside i was still dying everytime i looked at her. I had stopped using her name now, everytime someone said it i died a little more inside. By the time 4pm came i couldnt wait any longer, i needed to start drinking hopfully it will help to numb this pain i was feeling inside. Nobody else was up for drinking yet apart from Niall and even he said he only wanted one. 

By the time the guests were starting to arrive i was already tipsy, border line drunk, "Hey lou you best have invited some pussy" i slured pointing my can of beer at him, i started laughing at what i had just said, Louis patted my shoulder and walked off. Everyone had turned up and the party was in full swing by 10pm, this was my time, i was going to hunt out the first of the lucky girls that would get to wake up in the morning and say they had had sex with the one and only Harold Edward Styles. I spotted her, she was a blonde stood with a group of girls, maybe we could have a threesome.... "Do any of you girls believe in love at first sight, or do you want me to walk past again" this was my best pick up line, i hoped it worked. They all looked at each other before they burst out laughing, "what? whats so funny" i asked, i could talk properly now so my sentences came out like one big word. They started to laugh even more.

"I think you need to stop the drinking Harry" one of them said, she obviously didnt want to take a ride on me.

"Come on, lets go and get you to bed, you need to sober up a bit" the blonde took my hand and started pulling me to the bedroom, she wants me i can tell. We reached the bedroom and she laid me down on the bed, i started to kiss her, "Harry, we shouldnt be doing this, you drunk you dont actaully want to" she said.

"Of course i want to, your the most beautiful girl ive ever seen in my life" i replied, she started to kiss me back, more passionatly this time, that line always worked with the ladies.She started to kiss my neck, working her way down my body, she stopped and looked at me, "did i say you could stop?" i asked her, she looked at me apologetic before continuing, She pulled my boxers down revealing my erection, she took me in her mouth, she was good at blowjos, lets hope she is this good at sex. I was close now i could feel it coming, she continued to suck picking up the pace, "aaahhhhhhhhhhh mollie!" i called out as i released in her mouth, shit i just called her mollie, damn, hopefully she didnt hear that.

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