Chapter 3

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Harry POV

I knew that Mollie was sleeping with Louis, and i wanted to stop her because i still loved her and i wanted her back so badly, but i knew it wouldnt work because she loved Louis. I needed to find someone else, to make her jealous and to take my mind off her for once. I was Harry frickin Styles and i was sat mopping in my apartment because i was single, i could have any girl i wanted and thats what i planned to do, maybe make some pretty fans day and invite her back her were i would let my sexual frustration out on her... That sounds like a good idea. I walked over to the window, there was always fans stood outside waiting for us to come out, i spotted a girl, she would do. I turned around to go and make her mine for the night when Philippa came walking through to me, she looked like she was about to punch someone, she stopped in her track and looked at me "eeeuuggghhhhhh" she grunted before walking off and picking up her suitcase and walking out the door, slamming it shut.

I didnt let Philippas little drama stop me from my mission, i pulled on one of my jackets and walked out the door, i had to do this descretly otherwise it would be all oveer the internet and newspapers tomorrow, we didnt need bad publicity with our new single coming out soon. I walked out the entrance of the complex and the fans started screaming reaching un naturally high pitches. I saw her once again, she had brown hair with blue eyes, she looked a bit like Mollie which made me attracted to her. I took photos with all the fans that were there telling them to go home because it was cold. I left her for last so most of the fans had gone home "Hey babe" i greeted her and a massive smile spread across her face. "You alright?" i asked trying to create converstation, she nodded, the smile still there. 

"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH HARRY!" she screamed in my face and tears started to fall from her eyes,

"Oooh no babe, dont cry, you will ruin that beautiful face of yours" i soothed her wipping away the tears from her checks as they fell.

"Did you just call me beautiful?" she asked,

"Yeah, i sure did" i smiled at her, making sure i revealed my dimples they always made the ladies turn to mush.

"Thankyou, but im really not" she looked disappointed

"Trust me you are perfect" i winked at her "Whats your name?" i asked her politely,

"Hannah, hannah smith" 

"Well Hannah, Hannah Smith, would you like to come inside and warm up?" i asked her smiling, revealing the dimples once again.

"Are you actaully kidding me?" she looked shocked that i even said such a thing.

"Yeah of course i am" i laughed

"Then yeahhh!" she replied, i took her hand and took her upstairs to my apartement.

Jess POV

Im fed up. Im fed up with Liam sneaking around all the time and never telling anyone were he is going. The amount of times i have told him it annoys me and he promises he will stop and it never happens. He wasnt even in now so i couldnt talk to him, i walked through to the living room and nobody was in, i knew Allie was in because she was just tweeting about how bored she was, so i walked over to Allies apartment, she took ages to answer the door, what was she doing in there. "Be there in a sec!" she shouted.

"Its me Allie, can i come in?" i called through the door, i didnt wait for a responce i just walked straight through "It would help if you fucking opened your door when i knocked, im having a complete shit day Liam keeps going awal and you ignore me when i come too see you!" i shout down the hallway reaching the living room, were she was sat on her laptop doing a twitcam laughing. Ooh great everybody watching had just heard me ranting to her, well today was getting better and better.

"Jessccaaa is in a bad mood" Allie mumbled into the camera "HAHAH your trending already #mardyjesscca is trending" she was laughing uncontrolably now. "I think she wants to talk in privite guys so i am going to go now, byeeeeeeee" she said and shut her laptop down, "So whats the problem?" she asked patting a spot next to her inviting me to sit down.

"Liam keeps sneaking off everywere and doesnt tell me or anyone where he is going and its really starting to annoy me now, and no matter how many times we talk about it he never changes, eeuughh men are so annoying sometimes" i blurted out,

"Im sure its nothing Jess, you two are great together, maybe he has something planned for you" she suggested.

"Noo, i know when hes doing that because he gets excited so easy when we are together, but whenever we are together now he is always mardy and tired so i just dont no what to do anymore" 

"Talk to him tonight when he gets home, tell him he needs to change or its over" she sounded confident that it would work and to be honest it did sound like a good plan

"Your right, i am going to do that when he gets in... if he comes home that is"

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