Chapter 4

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Mollie POV

We finally persuaded Philippa not to tell Harry,i couldnt believe what had just happend i had just fallen out with the girl who had been my best friend since year 9. I laid back down on the bed still in shock, Louis laid down next to me and i couldnt help but cry a little, "dont cry babe" he pulled me so i was sat on top of him, he lifted his legs up and i rested my back against his knees,

"Im sorry, i dont even no why i am crying, guess im just in shock... we have fallen out i cant believe it" i wiped away my tears.

"I know i cant believe it either, you two were so close. Anyway lets not talk about her because she will only bring us both down" he smiled up at me and just seeing him smile made me smile "so you are now my girlfriend.... we are now Mouis" he laughed

"We are going to have to work on that couple name because that sounds like a cow's name or something" we both laughed, "

"What do you want for christmas babe?" he looked at me 

"Huh? its not even December yet what are you asking me this for?" i was confused.

"Its December next week, so i need to start my shopping! And i need to go to the jeweles with Niall to choose a ring" He was getting distracted now,

"Wait what did you just say?" i asked suddenly programming what he had said,

"Errmmm, i need to start shopping?" he asked

"No about Niall?"

"Shit! Dont tell anyone especially Allie, he is going to propose to her, on Christmas morning" he smiled at the thought of them getting engaged.

"Awww really, thats so cute! I thought he was going to ask her tomorrow when they go out" i said

"Noo, he is trying to show her just how much she means to him so when Christmas day comes she hopefully wont have to think about the answer and will just say yes" he was getting into the story now. From the sounds of it they had been talking about it for a while "And Niall wants me to go with him to choose a ring, he wants it to be perfect, he has planned it all so well, so well she wont be able to say no".

"Okay Lou, calm down" i said laughing, he looked at me before realizing he had got carried away, "I honestly dont mind what you get me, you dont have to get me anything" 

"Well im sure i will find something" he smiled at me. His smile dropped slowly and looked like he was listening to something, i went to ask him whats the matter but he put his hand over my mouth "Shush, they're arguing, i can hear it" I could suddenly hear it as soon as he said it, Jess and Liam were having an argument, this was probably the worst argument they have had. "Liam sounds upset, i might go interupt, you know how Liam gets when they have had an argument" he was right, whenever they had an argument Liam just sits around and feels sorry for himself until they made up. Louis got up off the bed and walked through to the living room in his boxers, i couldnt help but stare at his bum on the way out, " stop checking out my bum" he turned around and winked before closing the door behind him so i was left alone in the bedroom.

Liam POV

"Liam we need to talk" Jess said to me as soon as i walked through the front door, i couldnt be bothered to talk, i just wanted to go to bed and sleep.

"Cant it wait until morning im tired and want to go to bed" i whined,

"No it cant because you will be at work in the morning then afterwards you will sneak off once again, so no you will sit your arse down right now and we will talk now!" she sounded angry, I walked over to the sofa and sat down next to her, "Where have you been?" she asked me, i couldnt tell her i have been out with Danielle all day or she will leave me and i dont want that to happen.

"Errm... ive been busy working" i suddenly found my finger nails more interesting than ever before, i started to pick my nails so i didnt have to look her in the eyes. If i did she would be able to tell i was lying.

"Im tried of all your bullshit Liam! I know full well you havent been working today because the other boys have had the day off, so just fucking tell me!" she shouted at me. I didnt want to tell her i have been planning her Christmas present for the past few weeks because it will ruin the surprise, i tried to think fast.

"I have been with an old friend, i havent seen them in a while and they were in town so i went to see them" i mumbled, it was partly true, i hadnt een Danielle in ages so i said she could come with me today to help make some final plans to the present for Jess.

"And that friend is Danielle?" she asked but it sounded more like she was telling me she knew, i didnt reply i just nodded my head. I wasnt going to tell her my plans not even if she begged and pleaded, i had planned it all so perfectly and i wanted it all to go to plan. I was taking her to Melbourne in Australia for a holiday, she had always dreamed of going, mainly because she was a massive fan of the Janoskians, which is also what i had planned. I had organised for us both to go to a gig they were doing in there hometown and afterwards she would get to meet them and spend the day with them. I couldnt wait to see her face on Christmas morning when she opened the plain and gig tickets, i could see it now she will be soo happy. "What were you doing with her?" she asked me, oooh poop i had to think of something and fast.

"We went..... Christmas shopping" even i could tell that the words that just left my mouth were not convincing,

"Oh Christmas shopping, is that what they call sleeping with your ex behind your girlfriends back these days, honestly Liam do you think i was born yesterday, im not stupid i know you have been having sex with her!" she was getting even more angry now, and even more rediculas i would never sleep with anyone behind Jess's back,

"Oooh come on Jess, give me some  credit i would never have sex with anyone else when im in a relationship. and you know that" i reassured her, i pur my hand on her shoulder and she shrugged it off.

"THEN WHY ARE YOU SO TIRED ALL THE TIME! AND WE HAVENT HAD SEX IN AGES I AM SEXUALLY FRUSTRATED LIAM I NEEED IT AS WELL!" She shouted and stood up off the sofa, she had never told me she was sexually frustrated before, but i guess we havent had it in a while....

"FINE LETS HAVE SEX RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW IF THIS IS WHAT THIS ARGUMENT IS ABOUT!" I shouted back at her feeling angry nnow because she has started an argument because she wanted to have sex, i started to unbuttoned my shirt


"THATS WHAT YOU WANT ISNT IT!" I was so confused and angry now 


"Look i promise i havent been sleeping with danielle, i have been planning your christmas present for the past few weeks and i said she could come along today because she asked if i wanted to meet up with her since its been so long" i tried to defuse the argument now. Jess looked so angry still though,

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed "I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE LIAM! ALL THESE LIES AFTER LIES TO ME" She picked up a vase of flowers that was on the coffee table and through it across the living room, I ducked down and covered my ears as i heard it smash agaisnt the wall and fall to the floor,"You either stop sneaking around or we are over!" she snapped and walked off into the bedroom. I was stood in shock for about 5 minutes until i felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Louis.

"Well, she can be one crazy ass bitch when shes mad" Louis joked, he had no idea.

"I dont no what to do Lou?" i could feel tears coming into my eyes, "i really was planning her christmas present and she thinks i am sleeping around, i just cant do anything right these days" i looked at him in dispair, hoping he could come up with some genius idea on how to make her see that i truely love her, more than anything else in the world.

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