I just wanna be someone

387 11 13

One month later

Harrys P.O.V

That whole tour was such amazing. After a couple of days we decided that I should sing with Liam and Lousi too. When the fans saw the three of us on stage they really went crazy and also on every social media platform were speculations about One Direction getting back together. I really did think about this and I think it would be nice. Management would still be awful, but at least we would be together when they're the worst. We could always have our backs.

I haven't really talked about this to the others, but I think Louis would definitely be in. I'm also quite sure Niall would join. But Zayn, he's better without us. I don't want to do this to him again. It was terrible. I'm so glad he did make it without us.

"Hey Lou, did you ever think about getting the band back together?"

He looks up from the other end of his couch. We usually hang out at his or mine. It has become kind of a routine after we got back from the tour. We haven't really figured out what we are. Friends, Boyfriends. It's just very confusing and overwhelming, because we both know that it would be so hard to have a relationship like that. But I don't care about other people, I just care about him. I love him. There's a small voice inside my brain that tells me that this is wrong, because he did never say it back, but maybe there wasn't the right opportunity yet. I'm so lost in thought that his voice brings me back to reality rather hard.

"I think about it sometimes. It's just - I don't know how to arrange that all. What about songs or management or even tours? How do we do that?"

He looks so lost and sad and it really breaks my heart when I see him like this. I just want                                                              him to be happy and defend him from every bad thing on this planet.

"Sh, Lou, it's okay. You don't have to figure this out all on your own. That's kind of the point in a band. We help each other with everything. We have our backs"

He nods and his expression softenes. After a moment he crawls over the sofa and gets onto my lap. He nuzzels into my arms and exhales against my chest.

"Thank you"

I almost can't hear him he's spoken so quietly.

"For what?"

"For being you. I love you, Harry"

He looks up at me and his eyes are full of love. I feel like my heart is exploding. I softly lean down to close the gap between our lips. The kiss is so pure and without any rush. We've got oll time in the world. All that matters is him and I.

(475 words)

so i went on a 18 months hiatus myself eh -
but now a friend aka my very close bestie wife 🥰🥰
convinced me to finish the story like that because i never have motivation to write and i felt terrible about it :/ (thank you <33)

thanks for all the love you showed me :) bye ~ Lara<3

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