And I'd sing a song, that'd be just ours

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Harrys P.O.V

Two weeks have passed since my meeting with Louis, but I just can't forget it. Maybe I'm crazy, but I really want to see Louis again. After my old phone broke down, I bought a new one and saved all the numbers again. All except Louis'. I know I should write to him but I just don't have the energy to read a message like: 

Oh uhm sorry, I got drunk and we cheated on your girlfriend, won't happen again. 

My management is putting a lot of pressure on me at the moment because I'm supposed to record a new album, at least start writing new songs. How am I supposed to write songs when the only thing I can think about is Louis? To be honest, I've already written countless songs about Louis, so why not a whole album? He probably has better things to do than listen to my songs anyways.

I get out a piece of paper and a pen and start writing. I usually write down the words that come to my mind first, like a poem, and then I go into the studio and see what the others think of it and usually it turns into a song. Of course I haven't published certain songs, some of them are just too personal. 

Loved you 'til forever is one of them. I wrote it when I saw a picture of Louis and his girlfriend in a gossip magazine somewhere. I know I was supposed to move on, but I just didn't know how. Louis was my first love and to be honest my only one. 

The pen moves on its own. I don't know why I'm so inspired now, I've had a huge writers block for a while. After 10 minutes my first draft is ready. I look proudly at the page. The song is very sad and emotional, but I like it a lot. Memorized.

I guess I shouldn't let you go

But sometimes I don't feel like fighting

Sometimes I feel like giving up

I know I have to fight but it's just to hard

Maybe you'll forgive me one time

   And if not it would be my fault, I know

Give us a chance, baby, we deserve this

But you're right, I let you go

Fortunately I memorized your face

I hope my mind won't get as weak as me

Somedays I ask myself If you memorized me too

Do you miss me as I miss you?

When I think back to the old days

Everything seems so easy

But the truth is, it's not

How did I just realize, I should have known

Maybe you'll forgive me one time

And if not it would be my fault, I know

Give us a chance, baby, we deserve this

But you're right, I let you go

Fortunately I memorized your face

I hope my mind won't get as weak as me

Somedays I ask myself If you memorized me too

Do you miss me as I miss you?

Maybe we'll get a second chance, you can never know

But if not I just cary my memory with me

My memory of you and I

I know I should stop writing songs about Louis, I really should, but I just miss him. Ever since we broke up, or whatever it was, I wonder why I let him go, why he let me go. Maybe it was childish of me to date others to get over him, which didn't even work in this case, but I just can't bear the thought that he's finished with us. 

Of course there are still those "Larry rumours" but as much as I wish they were true, they're not. At least he's happy now. He really deserves to be happy. It's enough for either of us to spend our lives pining for the other. I'm really glad he's found someone to spend his life with. I used to just hope that they could be that special person.


(669 words)

I know this is so short and awful haha sorryyyy. Btw I wrote the song by myself so don't blame Harry for it to be bad XD

- thx luvs xx

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