I was searching for that someone

341 19 9

Louis' P.O.V

I try to ignore the butterflies I'm feeling I my stomach and look out the pane I discern that Harry is looking at me and he's smiling. I'm smiling back and maybe I'm just imaging it, but I could swear he's blushing. His fans seemed to notice too, because they are screaming so damn loud that I get the feeling, that my ears would fall off.

The rest of the concert is very good. His voice is so pretty and his fans are amazing how they sing along to every song. The 1D fandom is such amazing, even though we're not together anymore, they support every single one of us. I can't wait for my next concert, because I really love the feeling of being on stage and singing.

The last song is 'golden' and I always get emotional when I hear this song. I would never tell anyone that I'm crying over Harrys songs, but I do cry over them. He always had that special talent for singing with such an emotional voice. He looks at me during the refrain and I wave at him shyly. He waves back and it looks very cute, because he almost drops his guitar.

Even when he was done with his song, the crowd was still crazy. They screamed and he looked not as if he'd enjoy it. He eventually left the stage. The concert has finished, but the fans don't seem to care. I look at the empty stage for quite a bit. I wait for him to show up. To finally come in and celebrate his good concert. I don't know how long it took me to finally realize, that he won't come. I guess I stood there for at least an hour.

I sadly grab my stuff and leave the room. The concert hall is almost empty now and I pull my hood deep in my face and hope that nobody will recognize me. Luckily, they didn't. On my ride home I feel this well known sadness.

My phone buzzes and I try to ignore it, but it buzzes again. I don't have anything to do as laying on the couch and being sad, so I get up and grab my mobile. I've got a text from Harry and he also tried to call me.

Hey Lou, I'm soooo sorry, that I wasn't able to join you! The paps went crazy and I couldn't escape. Don't be mad at me :) x

This message is so cute. Maybe I read it three times. Maybe... And maybe I felt butterflies in my stomach. I decide to call him back. It's stupid, but I already miss his voice.


He seems - different. This is not the voice I've missed. I don't know what's going on with him. Ususally he was more shy ish.

"Haz, are you drunk or something?"

"Me?! Pffff"

He giggles and it sounds very drunk. What if he's doing something dumb in his state?

"Are you at home?"

"Nooo, I'm out clubbing at the bar. You know wich one"

He giggles again, but he's right, I know wich bar he means. I want to say something, but I can hear him scream cheerfully in the background and hang up. I need to take care of him. He deserves someone who looks after him. And to be honest, I really want to be that someone.



I can't see him with all the people around, but he's obviously seen me.

"Haz, c'mon where are you?"

I feel a little lost in this massive crowd. Everywhere are people and I feel like I can't breathe in here. Suddenly I can feel hands on my arm. I turn around and Harry starts to giggle.

"Dance with me"

"No, love, you're drunk. We need to take you home."

He moves closer and closer and I can smell the alcohol.

"What if I don't want to get home?"

He's really drunk. He doesn't even know what he says - or what he's doing. He leans a little closer to me, but I pull away. I don't want this whole thing to get a drunk affair or something. I really want him in my life, not just when we're drunk and need fun.

He looks a little sad and I almost feel bad about what I've done. Just almost, he'll have forgotten about it tomorrow. I grab his arm and pull him with me. I need to get out of here, I can't take this whole situation anymore.

"Lou, this is fun, let me get back in"

"No Haz, this is not fun. I know you, you don't do that for fun, you do that to escape something and I don't want you to escape stressful situations like that. You can always come to me. You don't need to get drunk or -"

I stop talking, when I hear a little snore. He fell asleep lend on the wall. I didn't knew, that this is actually possible, but it is indeed. I try to carry him, without waking him up.

My car is just around the corner, so it's not that exhausting and he is surprisingly light. To open the door was more difficult than I thought it would be, but I got it and put Harry on the seat and buckled him up. On the ride home he starts whispering softly and I'm not sure if he's awake or if he's talking in his sleep. The whispering gets louder and he seems uncomfortable.

I put my hand on one of his and he starts to calm down immediately and grabs my hand. Even though he looks very calm and cute now, I start to worry, why he had a nightmare. And why he was out drinking. Maybe I should ask him tomorrow.

I had to carry him the whole way from the garage to the apartment, but I don't mind. He's very cute when he sleeps. Even when he's snoring.

I have an empty bedroom where he can stay the night and put him there on the bed. I'm not sure about the clothes. It's not very comfy sleeping in jeans, but I think it would be awkward just take of his jeans. But otherwise, he's drunk and can't do it himself, so i remove his jeans and throw them on the floor.

Also his shirt seems quite inconvenient so I also take it off. He just can borrow one of my shirts. I pull him a yellow shirt over while I'm definitely not staring at his chest. Well, maybe a little, but who wouldn't?

I carefully cover him with the blanket. He seems so calm and so peaceful. I switch of the light and walk to the door.

"Night Haz"

He turns himself and cuddles into the pillow. He's such a dork.

(1138 words)

I felt like just pretending I've never started writing this fic, but I've got some amazing comments and I'm soooo damn thankfull for them! I think this is a thing only writers can relate, but publishing a chapter is hard sometimes and don't getting any comments really hurt sometimes. (Just wanted to let you know<3)


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