It's like the walls are caving in

433 26 18

Louis' P.O.V

This song fits for Harry. Dumbass me should've written this in Harrys pov. Sorry not sorry I didn't want to rewrite it :)


Walls is not a year old yet but I already did write some songs for my next album. I don't like the stress with the deadline so usually I'm early. My encounter with Harry has inspired me for some songs. I already did write too many songs about him but I can't help. He just never leaves my mind and all I can do is thinking about that damn kiss. Would he kiss me again if we were sober? I don't know but I hope so. A cough pulls me back to reality. 

"I've heard you've wrote some new songs" 

I turn my head and look at William my producer. He is a nice old lad. 

"Yeah just three, but maybe we can figure out some melodies for them. I have some in my head, but we need to match them and stuff." 

"Sure, but today we can't go in our usual recording room." 


"Harry Styles is in there. He had stress with his deadline so I let him a little privacy." 

"Oh you know him?" 

"Yes, I've met him once at an event and he seemed nice, so we ended up talking about music and several other things" 

"Ah yeah, he's a nice lad..."


My first song is done, finally. We had ages for this because I never was happy with the result. Now I finally can make a short break. I know I shouldn't do this, but I'm just too curious. Slowly I walk in the direction of Harrys recording room and I can hear a soft voice. Almost a whisper. He's talking to someone on the phone. 

"I know that it's suspicious, but I swear I didn't write my songs about Louis." 

What was that? Did this person really think, that Harry wrote his songs about me? I wish. I was so lost in my thoughs that I didn't realized that he hung up. I can't see his face but his voice sounds like he was about to cry. I just want to hug him, but I'm sure he wouldn't let me, so I stay here. 

"Why do I always have to lie?" 

I hear a little sob and it almost breaks my heart. What does he have to lie about? Maybe I could help him. If he won't let me it would be a little awkward but honestly I don't care. He doesn't deserve this. Not at all. All this hate he gets is just too much and I truly wish that this would stop. People should just let him be himself. Quietly I open the door. He don't sees me. He just sits on this small chair with a guitar on his lab and stares on his notes. 


Maybe I whispered too quiet, because he didn't seem to notice me. Eventually he looks up and I swear I can hear my heart break at this moment. His cheeks are wet from tears. 

"I can't do this much longer. All this hate and all this pressure. I can't handle it anymore. I don't want to deal with this anymore" 

I don't say anything, I wouldn't know what. I just lean down and pull Harry in a hug. He leans his head on my shoulder and sobs. I feel like crying too but I have to be strong for Harry. He needs me. At least now, so I'll be here for him. I always will. I don't know how long I just stay here, but slowly Harry pulls back and looks up at me. 

"M' sorry, I didn't intend to get emotional." 

It hurts me how his voice sounds so small. 

"You don't have to hide your feelings when you're with me. You know, I'm your friend even at your worst" 


Maybe I'm just imagining it but I could swear that a sad expression flush over his face when I said 'friend'. Doesn't he want to be friends with me? Did I do something wrong? I start to panic a little. 

"Are you okay? I know it's annoying when I'm just so needy and ugh" 

"No, stop you're not annoying it's just - " 

I don't know what to say and I hope he won't ask more about my sudden mood swing. 

"What, you know you can talk to me about your feelings too, mate" 

Ouch that did hurt. Mate. It sounds awful when Harry says it. I force a smile on my face, because I don't want him to worry or something. 

"Yeah, it's nothing I just realized that I need to go and finish my songs and stuff" 

"Oh okay, bye" 


I'm almost outside the door when I can hear a soft whisper. 

"Louis, I missed you, I hope we can meet sometimes" 

"Sure we can" 

I try to hide my excitement and walk out the door before I start to jump up and down like a little child.


(817 words)

 Finally a chapter that's a little more happy even though Harry bby is sad. (Sorry for this one but it was needed for the story) leave pls some comments luvs xx

Don't call me baby again | l.sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora