And I'm tired of being so exhausted

281 16 53

Harrys P.O.V

I've made a big mistake. I shouldn't have walked away that easyly. Maybe I seem weak or something if I go back to him, but I need him. He was always my best friend - even when I hoped there could be more.

The way to Louis' flat goes by in a blur. I'm just thinking about what I could say to him. What if there isn't anything left to say? I try to calm down. Overthinking won't help anybody. I'm just afraid that we will be too stubborn to talk. We always were.

My feelings for him are such overwhelming and I can't bury them any longer. Maybe this is the most stupid thing I'm about to do, but I'm going to tell him how I feel about him. It would surely break my heart if he doesn't feel the same, but it would break me anyways denying it much longer. 

I almost miss the turn to his house I'm so deep in though. I don't even bother parking the car in a  car park. My breathing goes fast and my heart is racing. If I didn't know what I'm about to do I'd think I'm going to have a heart attack. 

I ring the bell and prepare for what's to come. Silence. I ring again and hope he just hasn't heard me and isn't ignoring me. Still nothing. 


He doesn't answer.

"Please don't be mad at me. Open the door please"

What if he isn't home? He could be shopping or recording. Or anything else. My timing is really the worst. It would be a bit awkward just waiting infant of his door so I go back home. it isn't really a long way so it's no big problem.

In the same moment I open the door to my flat all my energy leaves my body and I just collapse on the floor. I force myself not to cry. It just wasn't the right time. It's not like he'd be gone or something. I should distract myself a bit.

I sit on the sofa and turn on the TV. Surely there will be a good movie on tonight. At the moment there are only news so I decide to watch them. Sometimes they are rather interesting. The brunette speaker just starts her text.

"Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are really going crazy today! It's not a big wonder, because two famous singer have confirmed that they are going on a tour together. The fans are flipping out. Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne don't have to be concerned about selling enough tickets. The fans are hoping that they'd also sell a Lilo merch"

He's gone on a tour without telling me? That's enough for me to let my tears escape. I can't handle this whole situation anymore. I was just about to tell him my true feelings and he has made a step away from me. Goddamn that wasn't one step this was a whole marathon.

When I wake up my back is aching. I fell asleep on the sofa. Crying. My brain feels like a sponge. And I propably look like a zombie. Spongebob zombiemob? This whole situation is so crazy that I actually have to laugh at this.

My phone rings and I don't even look at the caller ID, hoping it's Louis.


I'm a bit suprised when I recognize Liams voice. I'm not angry per se, but I'm also not very eager to talk to him.


He clears his throat but doesn't say anything. I don't know what I could say so we just remain silent.

"I think you should talk to Louis"

"Oh really? I would have talked to him if he hadn't run away"

"Harry, you know it's not fair blaming everything on him"

"I know. I just can't believe he's left without telling me"

"Yeah that wasn't one of his best moves. But please Harry, don't let him go. He needs you. He is a complete mess without you"

"And how I feel doesn't matter? He isn't the only one who's affected by our relationship you know?"

"I didn't mean it like that"

"I know sorry. I just can't get my mind off of this stupid fight and I just want him back"

"It will be okay Harry. I assure you, you two are meant to be. And now get your ass here and get your man"

With that he hangs up. I haven't been that sure about something in a long time. I will get Louis back. If I just doubt myself nothing will ever happen. I don't want to ask myself in twenty years 'what if'. I just want Louis.

(780 words)
I actually like this chapter. Like literally. I think it's my new favourite one even though it's not that long.

and btw I'm too dumb to make myself pretty curls :(

xexlexnax is this cute enough for you?!

chapter 18 already pre written and omg can't wait to publish it ;)

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