Are you scared of what's to come?

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Louis P.O.V

Liam and I are sitting in a plane. He has fallen asleep eventually and my mind is racing now, because I'm really tired but I can't sleep. All I can
think about is the fight between me and Harry.

Maybe I should have apologised. Maybe I was too harsh. But maybe this is just thing what has had to happen. The little break could be something good and I can finally get rid of my feelings for him - even if I don't want to - it's better for both of us. I have written enough break up songs about him.

A soft tip on my shoulder wakes me up. I don't remember when I fell asleep, but I obviously did.

"Wow Lou, you look even more exhausted that you did before sleeping"

Liam's got a point. It's not like my body is tired, but my mind just needs a break. Sometimes I wish I could just turn it off to get a break from it. I'm already too deep in thoughs and look at Liam with an apologetic smile.

"My head is a little fucked up now, maybe I'll tell you the reason later"

"Sure, take your time"

I know he means what he says and he would never pressure me to hurry with something I don't want to tell. He's a true best friend.

"But even if you feel bad Lou - wich I'm really sorry for - the next plane won't wait for you"

"We have to take another flight?"

"Yeah well, you know what it is to travel around the world. Now get your ass up I don't want to miss the plane"

"M' Coming"
I'm not sure if I should tell him what has happened between me and Harry yet, but I think I'd feel a bit better if I'd actually talk to someone about it.

"I think I'm ready"

"Go on. I'll just listen"

"I think it was about two months ago where I were at this bar. The one with those many famous people. Suddenly Harry has walked in and I felt like exploding. We both drank a bit too much and then we've kissed"

"Wait, you've kissed him? As in a proper kiss!?"

"Yeah. Agter that we haven't seen each other in a while. Honesty, I think it's because he regrets the whole thing but I'm not sure"

"What do you mean with he regrets it? Don't you?

"Yes and no. I mean I wouldn't regret kissing him, but it wasn't the right ocasion. Anyways. I was at the studio to record something and had already thought that this was it, when I saw him there. We got like a bit closer -"

"Close as in close like I think"

"God Liam, no, just emotionally. Let me finish already. After this incident I 'broke up' with Eleanor. I mean we weren't even together, but I told her that it'd be better for us not to fake anything anymore. Luckily she's agreed"

"Hell, Lou why didn't you call me earlier?"

"I don't really know, but I felt a little bit ashamed"

"I'm so sorry mate"

"Don't worry it's okay. Harry came by after Eleanor has left and we ate Pizza and watched a movie. It was quiet fun and I thought for the fraction of a second that it would work out - I really did - but my management has called and they were really angry about me 'breaking up' with Eleanor. It was also kinda cute, because Harry has defended me and has wanted to kill them so bad"


"After that I haven't seen him for weeks, but than he had a concert and has invited me. It was pretty awesome and he looked very pretty in his blazer and everything -"

"Wo okay, you're head over heals"


"You can maybe lie to yourself, but not to me Lou"

"Probably a little bit"

"Yeah just a little, I see"

"Shut it Liam and let me continue. He had a VIP room reserved for me and he said that he'd come after the concert, but he didn't. I was worried sick, but he called me some hours later and said he was in a club. I got him and drove him to my flat, because he was way too drunk to do anything on his own. I put him into the spare room"

"These godamn spare rooms"

"Fuck off. He couldn't sleep and came to my room - and before you ask nothing has happened - we've just talked a bit. In the morning he woke up with a slight blackout and a bigass headache. That was the morning where you've sent me the picture from me at the concert"

"Oh god if I knew that he was at yours I'd have never sent this"

"I know, it's okay. We would have seen it anyways. The picture wasn't even the problem. We thought that we could solve this problem and watched a movie, but his management has called and I just wanted to help him, but he pushed me away and told me that he was just fine without me and said that I gave him up after the hiatus. I got angry and sad and we just screamed at each other. It was so horribble. I don't know how I can apologise or live without him, but these are my only options. We just promised that we won't leave each other ever again, but so we did"

"Are you sure about your feelings for him? Be honest"

"Not really. I just know that I need him. Even if it's just as a friend"

"Then I'm sure it will work out. Just give it time"

"Yeah, maybe you're right"
(944 words)

Lmao this was just a really long filler, but I think this was quite a good idea, because Idk if I'm the only one, but I forget always what has happened so far :) Also Harry has quit his management, but it's not mentioned here, because Louis obv doens't kbow it (yet)

Even if it's just a filler I kinda like it. Aaaaand I'll be able to upload again 'cuz just two days of working left - wheee. Just jonking I love those kids, they're so freakin' cute.

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