21: 7 years later

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So its been 7 years since Mew got married and Gulf opened his own company. Everything was going really good with Gulf, he and his friends were well known people now, they were rich also they did charity too. But was everything fine with Mew?

In Switzerland

" Sir, you have an appointment Suppanut Industries today " said an employee. " Ok thank you for the information, you may leave now " said Gulf. " Guys, I have a date with someone today, can you people please have the appointment on behalf of me " asked Gulf. " Sure " said everyone. *everyone includes bright win and mild*. " Okay guys byeeeeeee love you all " said Gulf and blowed a kiss. " Such a kid " said Win. " It's good to see that he has forgotten his past and moved on " said Bright. " I wish his date goes well, afterall this is his first date in the past 7 years " said Mild.

In Thailand

Mew is now 36, a well known person as he was earlier, a dad of 2 kids. But he is single now, specifically a single dad. His bitchy dad is still alive. That's the most annoying thing.

" Daddy Daddy " said a little girl. " Nattarika! Come here my baby " said Mew and spreaded his arms. " Daddy, I missed you " said Nattarika and kissed Mew's cheeks. " Daddy missed you too " said Mew. " Daddy doesn't love me " said a little boy standing infront of Mew. " Who said I don't love my little prince? " said Mew and hugged him. " No! Nattarin is angry, daddy is bad " said Nattarin. " Aow is it so? But daddy thought he would take you and Nattarika out for a long drive " said Mew. " Really? Daddy is the best " said Nattarin and hugged Mew tightly. " Love you both " said Mew hugging both of his kids. " Daddy, grandpa was calling you inside " said Nattarika. " Um okay " said Mew. " Welcome back Mew, I hope you had a good time in Phuket " said Mr. Suppasit. " Yes, I feel relaxed, now I have to get back to work " said Mew relaxing on the couch. " I have a surprise for you " said Mr. Suppasit. " What is it dad " asked Mew.

In Switzerland

Gulf was waiting in a 5 star restaurant for his new date. A guy with pale skin, short height, blackish brown hair came upto Gulf and greeted him. " Hello, I'm Fiat, I guess you are the well known Gulf Kanawut " said Fiat. " Oh yes Fiat, have a seat " said Gulf with a huge smile. " Hello " said Fiat again. " Hehe don't be shy " said Gulf. " Um actually I'm nervous, you know I'm just a normal guy and you are so famous " said Fiat. " Doesn't matter, if I love someone I won't care about their status " said Gulf. " I'm glad, you liked me " said Fiat. " Let's order now " said Gulf. " Sure " said Fiat.

In Thailand

" Mew, Nattarika and Nattarin are still little, they need mother's love " said Mr. Suppasit. " I know but what should I do " said Mew. " Get married again " said Mr. Suppasit. " What nonsense dad! You've ruined my whole life by forcing me to marry that bitch Mai and now you want me to get remarried? You stole my love from me too! I don't even know where is he! " shouted Mew. " Shut up! The kids are outside playing, they should not see their dad screaming over their grandpa " said Mr. Suppasit. Mew realised his dad was right so he didn't scream anymore. " Dad I'm 36 now, much older than before, I know what should I with to my kids to make them feel their mother's love and affection " said Mew. " You still can't be their mom though, think about the proposal I gave you " said Mr. Suppasit and threw some pictures of ladies on the table. " He is getting on my nerves again " said Mew

In Switzerland

" I really like food with basil leaves " said Gulf munching on his basil pasta. " Me too, I love it with basil and cheese " said Fiat. " So Fiat, have you had a boyfriend before? " asked Gulf. " Yes, I have had 2 girlfriends and 2 boyfriends haha I know I sound like a playboy but yeah that the truth " said Fiat without any hesitation. " Oh honesty! I like that " said Gulf. " I have a nephew who's 5 years old, he lives with me, my brother and his wife passed away in a car accident " said Fiat. " Oh I'm so sorry to hear that " said Gulf. " It's okay " said Fiat holding Gulf's hand.

In Thailand

" Oh I forgot, I have to call my clients " said Mew. Mew took out his phone from his pocket and dialled a number, he didn't realise it wasn't the client's number. " Hello? " said Mew. " Hello? Who's this? Am I talking to Mr. Ruth? " asked Mew. " No it's not Mr. Ruth, I think you've dialled the wrong number " said Gulf. " No this is the right number as fat as I know " said Mew. " Mister, it's Gulf Kanawut here not Mr. Ruth or whatever " said Gulf annoyingly. " Gulf?? Did you say Gulf?? Really??? Gulf....I'm Mew..." said Mew. " Mew...??? " said Gulf shockingly. Both were shocked.

What's gonna happen next?

Stay tuned

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