20. The wedding

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" I don't want this life, it's better to die " cried Mew. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. " Who is it " said Mew while wiping his tears. " It's me open the door Mew " said Mr. Suppasit coldly. " What? Speak " said Mew without opening the door. " Are you opening or should I break it? " asked Mr. Suppasit. Mew wasn't in a mood to argue so he opened the door. " Listen son, forget about the engagement " said Mr. Suppasit. " Really dad? Now I don't have to get engaged with that lady? Really???? " asked Mew in excitement. " Hahahahaha no son, now I don't want any stuffs like engagement, I want the marriage to happen directly " said Mr. Suppasit and laughed like an evil. " Oh, it was my fault who thought you are going to cancel the wedding, I forgot that you are still that jerk who plays with other's lifes! " shouted Mew. " SHUT UP! I'M YOUR DAD! " shouted Mr. Suppasit and slapped Mew.

" BEHAVE! " said Mr. Suppasit and left the room. " Did he slap me? How dare he! " Mew said to himself. Mew went downstairs and heard his dad talking in the phone. " Hello Mr. Kirigun, I want them to get married in the coming week, I don't care about the engagement let's make the wedding happen soon please " said Mr. Suppasit. " Next week? " said Mew nervously.

In Switzerland

Everyone were cleaning the house and suddenly Gulf slipped and fell from the stairs. " GULF!! " everyone shouted. " AHH " said Gulf. " Are you okay dear? " asked Win. " How did you fall? " asked Bright. " I'm calling the doctor " said Mild. " Please don't, I'm totally fine " said Gulf. Gulf was actually thinking about Mew and he didn't notice the stairs and slipped. " I'm sure you were thinking about that bitchy Mew " said Win annoyingly. " Hm true, I'm having a gut feeling for him, I feel like something wrong is going to happen " said Gulf. " Let it happen " said Win. Bright and Win were standing there silently watching the two cousins argue.

In Thailand

1 week later

Today is Mew and Mai's wedding, finally that handsome playboy is getting married but unfortunately to the wrong person. " I'm so excited mommy " said Mai. " I'm so happy for you dear " said Mrs. Kirigun and kissed Mai's forehead. " Wow my daughter looks so beautiful! " said Mr. Kirigun. " Thank you dad, love you " said Mai. Meanwhile Mew was getting dressed up in the other room, their wedding is in 10 minutes. " Umm, sir which tie do you want to wear? The black one or white? " asked the servant. " Anything would be fine, just do it fast " said Mew. " Looks like you're super excited for your wedding sir " said the servant. " Shut up and do your work or else you are going to get fired! " shouted Mew. " Sorry sir " said the servant. " Hello young man! You look dashing " said Mr. Suppasit. " Whatever " said Mew.

It was the time for the entry of the groom and the bride. Both of them entered with their fathers and had their vow, kissed and the marriage was done. Everything happened so fast and unknowingly to some people.

" Sir Mew got married? But he used to date Gulf right? " everyone had a topic to gossip about. Max and Tul were here too, they've been living in Japan for the past few months. Even they were shocked to see the marriage. " Hey Bro! Congrats " said Tul. " Hello Tul hello Max " said Mew like he didn't even care about them. " Didn't you love Gulf? " asked Max. " Past is past, leave him, I don't want to talk about him anymore " said Mew.

At night

" Babe, we're finally married! Come on let's make love now! I can't wait to suck that thing of yours " said Mai. " You're such a dirty mouthed lady " said Mew angrily. " Doesn't matter to me " said Mai. " I won't have sec with you atleast " said Mew. " Don't forget that Gulf is still in danger " said Mai smirking. " STOP BLACK MAILING ME " shouted Mew. " Shhh baby don't shout, it's me who's going to shout today " said Mai and winked. Mew was so helpless. He was married to her legally now and he had to let her do what he wanted.

In Switzerland

1 week had passed. Four of them had arranged enough money to open their own company. " What should we name the company? " asked Bright. " Gulf enterprises because we are doing this for him, his name should be everywhere " said Win. " We both agree with you " said Bright and Mild. " Guys come on, don't do this, I have an idea, we can name it GWBM enterprises " said Gulf. " Not a bad idea Gulfie " said everyone. Everyone laughed and enjoyed their meal but they were still unaware about Mew's wedding.

What's gonna happen next?

Stay tuned😘

Spoiler: next chapter will be about their future, yes I'm gonna skip time.

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