18: Betrayal

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Hello gulf! I've decided to choose my dad, you know..money and fame is everything for me. If I have money then I'll have more people like you to fuck. Even I'm getting married to Mai so now I'll have someone like you to fuck! I just used to honestly. Now I'm tired of you so I'm leaving you. I hope you have a nice life ahead. Go get another rich man and be his slave. Don't try to contact me or my company. I'm firing you from the job. Don't worry I'll pay your salary by Internet banking. Bye.

" 1 new text from Babe " showed up on Gulf's phone screen.

" Oh it's a text from him " said Gulf. He opened the text and started reading it thoroughly. As soon as he finished reading, he fell on his knees crying. " Why? Why did you do this to me? What did I do to you? " cried Gulf. " I can't believe he used me for these months " said Gulf. Mild was in the washroom, he came back and saw Gulf on the floor crying hard. " Gulf!? Bro are you fine? Did something happen? " asked Mild. Mild grabbed Gulf's phone which was showing Mew's text. " Fucking hell! " shouted Mild. " Don't be angry Mild, I'm happy that he chose his dad and not me " said Gulf. " Shut up Gulf, I don't think phi Mew chose his dad on his own will, he was definitely forced to do it " said Mild confidently. " But this text? " asked Gulf. " This is also fake maybe Mr. Suppasit texted this " said Mild. " Anyways, I still don't want to go back to him because I may be a trouble for him so I'll just move away from Thailand " said Gulf

" But Gulf this isn't a option, you both love each other " said Mild. " Yes maybe he loves me too but no I can't be with him anymore " said Gulf and wiped his tears. " It's your life so you have the right to make choices I won't say anything, good luck brother " said Mild and patted Gulf's back. Mild called up Bright and Win immediately. They arrived at Mild's place within an hour. " Hey dude what's wrong " asked Bright. " Gulfie! " hugged Win. " What's wrong Gulf, why are your eyes look swollen? Did anyone hurt my brother? " asked Win looking tensed. " No nothing happened " said Gulf. " Let me tell you guys, Mr. Suppasit is forcing Phi Mew to marry a rich girl named Mai and and Mr. Suppasit also wants Gulf to move away from Phi's life that's why he texted Gulf from Phi's phone saying Gulf was just a toy for Mew " said Mild angrily. " That bitchy boss " said Win and punched the wooden table. " Don't hurt yourself " said Bright.

" And that Mew, I told him not to hurt my brother but he did! Hah I knew it! All these bloody rich people " said Win. " This isn't Phi's fault, I'm glad that he is happy now after leaving me " said Gulf. " Gulf, I don't know what to say but take your decisions wisely " said Bright. " I want to move to Switzerland that's my final choice " said Gulf. " What! Why " asked everyone shockingly. " I just don't want to stay here anymore, if you guys want to stay here you can but let me go there please " said Gulf. " If you are going then how do you expect us to stay here!? Am I right guys? " said Win. " Absolutely " said Bright. Mild didn't answer, he was thinking about Champ, if he leaves Thailand he won't be able to meet Champ too but he chose his friend Gulf over his crush Champ. " Yes I'll go too " sais Mild.

At Mew's house

" Hahahahaah Gulf is gone now! I'm sure he hates you now " said Mr. Suppasit. " I did whatever you said, now promise me that you'll leave him alone " said Mew. " I always keep my words son " said Mr. Suppasit. Mew was heartbroken badly he never thought of losing his love again. " By the way, your and Mai's engagement will be in next week, prepare yourself " said Mr. Suppasit. " As you wish " said Mew. Mew had to listen to his dad or else he would kill Gulf, even if Mew wanted to kill his dad he couldn't. " I'll miss you Gulf " said Mew to himself.

Next day

Luggages were packed. They were about to leave Thailand forever. " I'll miss Thailand especially I'll miss phi Mew " said Gulf. " Don't you dare to take his name again " said Win. Gulf, Win, Bright and Mild arrived at the airport. While the security checking was going on, Gulf saw someone like Mew. He rushed to him but it was just a stranger. " I think he really hates me " said Gulf to himself. " Hey! Cmon Gulf " called Mild. The flight was about to take off anytime soon.

The flight was off, gulf bid goodbye to his lover and Thailand. Everything is going to change now.

What's gonna happen next?

Stay tuned!

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