Combat Ready

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Kapkan and 10012 were in the Spetsnaz bunk, just talking and relaxing. The rest of Spetsnaz were out drinking, which to everyone's surprise, Kapkan wasn't a big fan of. Kapkan was telling 10012 who on base were good people and who he should avoid when there was a knock on the door. Kapkan got up and opened it, and talked with who it was for a bit. In the meantime, 10012 looked around. Bottles of alcohol, most drained empty, along with a knife collection on the wall. The door closed and Kapkan sat back down next to him.

Kapkan: "Kali is a major avoid."

10012: "People have been telling me that."

Kapkan: "Well double down on that. She's bitching that I put my trap in the wrong place."

10012: "Oh goodie."

10012 got up and walked to the door. 

10012: "I'm gonna go shower and eat, I'll catch you later."

Kapkan: "See you comrade."

10012 left the bunk, and immediately running into Zofia.

Zofia: "Heya."

10012: "Afternoon."

Zofia: "How's base so far?"

He was noticing that she was a bit fidgety at the moment.

10012: "Good, good... how are you and Kat?"

Zofia: "Oh we're good... well she's good at least."

She sighed to herself.

10012: "What's wrong Zofia..?"

Zofia: "I'm going through a divorce right now... caught my husband cheating on me."

10012: "Oh... yikes."

She nods softly, he does the only thing he can think of at the moment and hugs her. She hugged him back after a bit and looked at him.

Zofia: "Thanks... I needed that."

10012: "Not a problem."

He smiled before walking off, Zofia softly smiling as she watched him walk off.

???: "... already find a replacement for Tom?"

Zofia jumped as she turned to look at Ela, Zofia now blushing madly.

Zofia: "N-No!"

Ela: "That blush says otherwise. Besides, I believe that Kat would be happy."

Zofia: "I-I don't l-like him like t-that..."

Zofia was a stuttering mess, Ela smirked.

Ela: "You asked Nokk so spy on him and you asked Valkyrie to put a camera in his dorm. You're definitely in love with him."

??2: "And a bit perverted!"

They looked to see Thermite walking by, smiling a bit. Zofia looked back at Ela.

Zofia: "Okay... maybe I have grown feelings for him. But so what? I doubt he'd like me back."

Ela: "Maybe not. You are the one who helped him here, you are the one who gave him shelter and clothes."

Zofia: "Y-Yeah..."

Zofia walked off and Ela sighed to herself.

Ela: "I'm sure he likes you back... he just doesn't realize it yet."

She muttered to herself as  she walked off as well.


10012 was in his bunk, half asleep. Kapkan had showed him how to work the television in his bunk, and now he was watching something called Criminal Minds. Well, when I say watching, I mean that it was running in the background as 10012 tried to not fall asleep. The growl of an empty stomach is what kept him up, so he slowly and tiredly stood and walked to his kitchen, where he grabbed a thing of sting cheese and began to eat it. 

He was glad to be where he is now. It was a lot better than where he came from in so many ways. He was born in Poland just after WW1, and had lived there until it was taken over by Germany and the USSR. He had hid from the Nazis until 1942, where he was captured and taken away. He missed old Poland, but he also loved this place so much more. He was away from the fighting, away from the Nazi's, away from all the hell he had been put through. 

A knock on the door caught his attention, he walked over and opened it to see Harry standing there. 

Harry: "Hey... you want to go on an adventure?"

10012: "... huh?"

Harry: "Would you like to go on a mission with our operators?"

10012: "As in... go into combat?"

Harry: "Yeah."

10012: "Um... I guess?"

Just like that, he was back into the very thing he wanted to avoid. Harry smiled and pat his back.

Harry: "Because we don't know where you are from, you'll be classified as Spetsnaz since they seem to be who you are closest with at this point."

10012: "Um... alright."

Harry: "Alright... let's get you fitted for a uniform."


10012 was standing in the Spetsnaz bunk, his new uniform on. He was dressed a bit like Kapkan, except for the fact that he had a mask like Fuze's on as well, and the uniform was white. He didn't have a primary weapon, instead carrying a shield and having a PMM on his side and a katana on his back.

Kapkan: "Looking good, comrade."

10012: "Thank you."

It was still only Kapkan, the rest of the Spetsnaz operators were just going to spend the night at a local hotel.  At this point, it was nearly midnight.

Kapkan: "You're welcome... now let's get you to the helipad, shall we?"

10012 nods and the both of them walk out of the bunk, Kapkan leading him to the helipad. Jager and Harry were standing there, chatting. They walk up to the two of them.

Kapkan: "Hey Harry."

Harry: "Hey Kapkan, hey 10012."

Jager: "What the hell name is 10012?"

10012 then shrugged, Kapkan chuckling as he walked back to his bunk.

Harry: "Don't ask. Anyhow, 10012, this is going to be a solo mission... you need to get a hostage out of a bank, absolutely crawling with terrorists."

Jager: "Are you sure it's a good idea to send him on his own?"

Harry: "Positive. Good luck 10012."

Harry then walked off, 10012 said nothing as he got into the helicopter. Jager chuckled to himself as he got in the pilots seat and took off, 10012 just looking into the horizon as they flew.

[End of Chapter 4]


A/N: I still haven't gotten any better at writing combat scenes so this is going to be a shitshow.

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