Prisoner 10012

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A/N: Events in this story (specifically in the World War II sections) are completely fictional. Take this as an alternate universe.


Berlin, Nazi Germany

August of 1944

???: "Furher Hitler!"

One of the top German military leaders, Dieter Krantz, said, moving towards him. Krantz was typically more cool headed leaders in the army, but he was in quite the panic at this moment. Hitler looked at him, sighing.

Hitler: "What is it, Krantz?"

Krantz: "One of the camp leaders have requested to speak with you. Apparently... something odd has happened to one of the prisoners which we have experimented on."

Hitler: "Odd? How so?"

Krantz: "As in... we have just made a super soldier."

Hitler's eyes widened, as this could be the point where the liberation of France could be halted. 

Hitler: "Is he... obedient?"

Krantz: "At this time, yes he is."

Hitler: "Then let me see him."

Krantz: "Yes sir!"

Krantz immediately ordered a vehicle to transport him and Hitler to where the prisoner was located. Hitler was silently chuckling to himself.

Hitler: "I love my job."

Time Skip - Chelmno Extermination Camp (Poland)

Hitler: "Bring me the prisoner, come on."

Two guards entered the room, holding a prisoner, designated as 10012. He was tossed to the ground and looked up at Hitler, a blank stare. Hitler knelt and began to examine him. 

Hitler: "Hm... he would be good for project Buchannon."

Krantz: "Buchannon... what is that Furher Hitler?"

Hitler: "Buchannon is a group of modified indviduals, trained for the Nazi cause, to cause as much as harm as possible though chemical attacks."

Krantz: "But... isn't that illegal?"

Hitler: "We're going to be executed if we lose the war, we have nothing to lose."

Krantz: "You have a good point. On your feet."

Krantz kicked 10012, who in return stood up. He was roughly 6'2".

Hitler: "Come on, prisoner."

Hitler began to walk, 10012 and Krantz following. Hitler turned and looked at Krantz.

Hitler: "You might want to stay behind."

Krantz: "Are you sure Furher?"

Hitler nods, and Krantz then walks back to where they were previously. Hitler looked up at 10012, 10012 looking straight ahead. 

Hitler: "Look at me."

10012 looks at him.

Hitler: "Get ready for hell."

10012 just blinks. Behind him, a cock of the pistol before a shot goes off. 10012 falls over dead. Hitler immediately goes behind cover while the sprays of MP-40's go off in the distance. Hitler peeks from his cover, it was a pro-Polish spy who had killed 10012. 

Hitler: "God damn it..."


2021 - August 8

10012 wakes in an instant before standing, looking around. He was in what remained of the Chelmno camp, which had been destroyed long ago. He slowly began to walk around, dusting himself off. He was scared, even more than he was back when the camp was still standing. 

He could feel something pull on his leg, he slowly looked back to see a child, couldn't be older than 4, tugging at his pant leg. He slowly turned and picked her up.

???: "Hi!"

She said excitedly, which he slowly waved at her. Before the war, he had become proficient in speaking English. A woman, who he presumed to be the mother, walked towards them. He looked at her. 

??2: "I'm so sorry about Kat." 

She slowly took Kat out of his arms, which he wasn't opposed to, although it seemed like she didn't want to leave him. The woman then stuck out her hand.

??2: "I'm Zofia."

He slowly shook her hand, completely silent. Zofia then looked him over.

Zofia: "You honestly look like shit. And why are you wearing a prisoner's uniform? You know what, not mine to question. You have a place to stay?"

He slowly shook his head no in response. 

Zofia: "Well then come with me."

She began to lead him to where she were staying, which he was not opposed to. For once, he could actually be in a decent situation. Though, he still had two things on his mind.

Where the fuck was he, and why the fuck is he not dead?

[End of Prologue]

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