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10012, Zofia, and Kat were getting ready to arrive on base, Harry desperately wanted to meet 10012 now. Due to safety concerns, 10012 was handcuffed, the handcuffs quite big on him. They walked into the base not too long after 10012 was cuffed, and they were greeted by Harry and Zofia's sister, Ela. Kat ran up to Ela and hugged her tightly, Ela giggling and hugging her back. Harry looked at 10012.

Harry: "Jeez you look like shit."

10012 rolled his eyes and sighed a bit.

Zofia: "He looked even more like shit when I first found him."

Harry: "Oh I'm sure of it."

Kat ran up to 10012 and hugged him now.

Kat: "Friend!!"

He looked down at her and chuckled, Ela smiled and walked over to Zofia.

Ela: "You think?"

Zofia: "... huh?"

Ela pointed at Kat and 10012, and Zofia hit her, which caused her to giggle.

Harry: "Alright children, I'm actually on a tight schedule to-"

Ela: "Jerking off the entire time?"

Harry: "Shut up before I send you on dish duty for a year. Come on."

Harry began to walk, the group following behind him. As they walked, 10012 looked around at what was there. The base was so much nicer than anywhere he had been before, though he did miss his old home way back when. The technology had advanced more than what he had imagined it would have, though there were still some parts that were lacking. 

They passed the GSG9, and he immediately began to move as far away from them as possible. IQ was confused and stopped to talk, while the rest kept walking, Bandit dragging her away. Ela stopped as well and began to walk with the GSG9.

Zofia: "Thank god..."

10012 looked over a bit confused. Zofia looked back at him.

Zofia: "Her and I... don't exactly get along."

He nods slowly as they walk into Harry's office, where Kali and Ace happened to be.

Kali: "Hey Harry!" 

Harry: "Yes Kali?" 

He sat in his chair, gesturing for Zofia, 10012, and Kat to sit down. They did, and he looked straight up, just listening to everything that was happening around him.

Kali: "So... when's the next check coming in?"

Harry: "Should be in by next Tuesday."

Kali: "Alright... and we'd like to talk about the Spetsnaz crew."

Harry: "What about them?"

Kali: "Well... the-"

Ace: "They set fire to my bunk and now I have to share with Kali."

Harry: "... oh. I presume it was Tachanka then, I'll get them sorted out."

Kali/Ace: "Thank you boss."

They then walked out and 10012 looked at Zofia, wondering.

Zofia: "Those two were from the mercenary group Nighthaven. That group is filled with assholes, avoid them at all costs. Spetsnaz are a bunch of drunk Russians."

He nods slowly as Harry walked over.

Harry: "Sorry about that, so let's get you sorted man."


10012 was now laying in his own bunk, it was quite empty. Harry had given him his own bunk for now, he wanted him to go through some tests before he was set free. So, he was now just laying there, his thoughts running through his head. He should be dead, they say. The fact that he is alive now, and being put through more experiments now? That would be too much for him to handle. He would probably die after the first one, making him truly the last victim. He sighed as he stood up and made himself a bowl of cereal and began to eat. He had forgotten how good it was. He smiled as he slowly ate the cereal, savoring every bite of it. When the bowl was empty, he put it in the sink before slowly washing it. This is also something he missed doing, and that was doing something on his own time. In his opinion, this was like heaven.

There was a knock on his door, he walked over and opened it to reveal Kali standing there.

Kali: "Hey dude."

He slowly waved at her.

Kali: "Um... I just wanted to say welcome to base. I'm Kali, and I'm the leader of Nighthaven. If you ever need anything, I'm here." 

He nods slowly, a bit confused, before softly smiling. She smiled in return and walked off. He then walked over and made himself another bowl of cereal, that interaction had made him hungry. He didn't really know how to cook, so cereal was the way to go every time.


10012 was passed out on his couch, he had been fucking with the television before he fell asleep. Quietly, the door to his bunk opened, and Nokk walked in. She began to move around the room slowly, as to not wake him. She had heard that he come to base, and was quite intrigued. This was the first time someone had arrived in a while, and even more so that he arrived without months of advance notice from Harry. 

She looked over the couch at him, obviously thinking that he looked like shit. He had short, brown hair and no beard, it was obvious that he was at an execution camp previously if you knew what you were looking for.  She sighed slowly as she then left, a bit disappointed with the results of her search. 

In the mess hall, Zofia and Ela were eating, talking with each other before Nokk walked in and sat down. 

Nokk: "Nothing."

She said as Zofia sighed before handing her 50 dollars. 

Zofia: "Thanks for trying."

Nokk: "Yeah, that was also for myself too."

She got up and walked out, Ela looked at her.

Ela: "Why are you so obsessed with him?"

Zofia: "It's just... not every day you see someone like him. Someone who survives an execution camp after probably months of experiments then somehow ends up here."

Ela: "That's impossible to happen Zofia."

Zofia: "Well apparently it's not."

Zofia stood up and walked out of the mess hall, Ela sighing to herself and going back to eating.

[End of Chapter 2]

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