Probable Yandere?!

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*OH LORD HERE WE FUCKIN GO!! IVE BEEN OBSESSED WITH YANDERE'S RECENTLY!!! Also the chapter is split by which route you want!! IM SO SORRY IF THIS IS BAAAADDDD! (Also I feel like my TikTok audience is slowly coming for me the more I post scenese from the 3 Haikyuu books I have...)*

⚡️: Noya route
🤍: Suga route


Noya pov

I rolled over expecting the bed to be empty... instead I saw Y/n's figure right next to me. I jumped up in shock.

"AH!" I yelled
"Yu? What's wrong?" She asked

I was freaking out. I was still in my clothes from the night before.

"Did... did something happen last night?"
"What? No! You were so tired and you immediately crashed and fell asleep!"
"Oh. Did I ask you to sleep with me?" I asked

My memory must've been really bad because I couldn't remember why Y/n was there in the first place.

"Yu... do you really not remember?" She asked

I shook my head. How dumb am I? Did I forget something?

"Yu... I told you I wanted to be your girlfriend... how could you forget that?"
"Oh... crap..."
"I UH... UHHH..."
"It's alright. It must've not been important." She sighed

She sounded sad.


I got back up onto the bed and sat across from Y/n, her legs pulled to her chest and looked away. I reached out and pressed my hand to her cheek. She leaned against that hand and looked at me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a dumbass." I said

She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah... but you're my dumbass." She teased
I just laughed.

"Finally... after so many years... she's mine."

"Noya! Y/n! Wake up I wanna practice!" Hinata yelled

We rolled our eyes and Y/n threw a different shirt at me that came from my bag.

"Go change Yu. I don't want you smelling bad." She teased

I stuck my tongue out at her. She did the same back and suddenly, the door to the room was opened. I turned around as I flung my shirt off that I was wearing so I could change. In the doorway was Suga. His eyes were focused on me. Then his eyes went to Y/n, who was an absolute blushing mess.

"Noya... can we talk?" Suga grumbled

I looked to Y/n. She just nodded. I put the other shirt on and walked out the door.

"I'll be right back." I said

I followed Sugawara outside through the back door. I closed the door behind me and watched Suga's every movement. I walked over to him and got a punch to my face. I used my hands to hold me up as I quickly turned to see Suga take another swing at me.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled

Suga went to kick me and I had to roll out of the way.

"SUGA!" Someone yelled

I dodged Suga's punch and almost collided with Daichi.

"SUGA!" Daichi yelled catching his punch
"Daichi?" Suga asked

Suga was on the verge of tears. He was hurt and upset. I had felt that exact same pain when I thought Y/n would choose him over me. But I realize now that Y/n and I are meant for each other.

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