Bruises and Blood

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*helllloooo I am uploading two in one day because I can and so people can read the intro and understand the story and then read this: where the REAL story begins! Also I should mention yes there is going to be beatings, blood, and probable severe bullying so BE WARNED!*

Y/n pov

"Why was this happening? What did I do? Why me?"

"Hey! Get up bitch!"
"Get off your lazy ass and play! Only the strong players can make the team!"

I was on the ground still. My face stung and I'm sure I tasted blood. I couldn't feel my shoulder and one of my legs. All of me hurt, but I wouldn't give up. I stood tall and went to play. The girls on the opposite "side" of my "team" whispered to themselves, then they looked at me. They walked over and surrounded me. They obviously had not expected me to stand up from the pelting I had revived earlier.

"Grab her. Locker time." A girl said

I panicked and tried to run. One of the girls grabbed my shirt and another grabbed both my arms. Another grabbed my legs. They took me to the equipment room and threw me in there. They closed the door and I heard a click. They locked me inside.

"Why is this happening to me? What did I ever do to them? I'm so lost and alone... I want help."

I was in there for a good hour and I realized it was getting dark. Then I heard arguing by the open window and saw two pairs of legs. One voice was a little higher pitched than the others. Both were boys voice. They complained about each other... TO each other. They also talked about the Captain.

"Daichi! He kicked them out? Damn... he has more balls than I thought he did."
"Come on. We have to prove we can get on the team... peacefully."
"Wait... that's the voice from earlier. The rude boy! Maybe these two idiots are my way out!"
"Hey! You two!" I yelled

The feet shuffled around, trying to find my voice.

"Down here!"

Then, I saw an orange haired boy stick his head by the open window. As I thought, the other voice was the boy from earlier.

"What's wrong?" The orange haired boy asked
"Well uh... I'm trapped. My team locked me in here."
"That's not nice. How can we get you out?" The dark haired one asked
"Uh... I'll jump up and you two grab my hands and pull me out. I should fit."
"Okay. On three."
"THREE!" I yelled

I ran up and tried to get as close to the window as I could... and my volleyball senses seemed to help. The boys grabbed my hands and yanked me out. I fell onto the ground with a thud.

"Are you alright?" The ginger asked
"I'm fine. You are?"
"Oh I'm Hinata Shōyō!" The ginger said

He looked to the taller guy. He just looked at me.

"Names Kageyama Tobio."
"Wait I know that name... how?"
"Are you alright... what's your name?" Hinata asked
"Oh I'm alright. My name is Y/n Sawamura!"

The boys were shocked.

"Wait... Sawamura... as in... Captain Sawamura? Are you two related?" Kageyama asked

I nodded.

"Yep! Daichi is my older brother! Don't let his tough outside fool you. He's very sweet and kind." I said

Both boys were confused.

"Oh yeah. I heard your conversation. He kicked you out until you could get along right?"

Both boys looked at each other and then away.

"Yeah." The both said
"Well. Guess you guys gotta get along or else you can't play."

I Can't Choose...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant