Chapter 4 - The First Meeting

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The beginning of Ayane's POV starts this chapter!!! Hope y'all like it <3



The crisp winter air nips on my skin, and my breath puffs fog while my chest heaves as I dart through the woods. A blanket of pure white fell from the sky the night before, effectively complicating my escape plan. A trail of my footsteps embed in the icy cold snow behind me. They'll eventually lead the hunters straight to me.

I'm on the run; I was forced to. I'm running as fast as I can to the Okuninushi Kingdom. The place where fresh starts are possible and people of all walks of life are welcome. A safe haven for lone wolves like me.

But in the rush, I trip. Trip and fall into a deep hole. I wince from the soft mud cushioning the dastard drop, and I wipe the dirt off my pastel blue dress. It's then I realized I'm not in any hole. No, I'm in a bear pit. An eight feet tall by six feet wide circular bear pit.

"My stars are truly misaligned." I whine in a whisper to the winter gales, my teeth clattering from the shivers. "Who would even lay a bear trap in the middle of winter? Isn't this when they are in a deep slumber?"

I inspect the bottom of the pit, looking for any article that can assist in my escape. I can't be here as bait for either the hunters of people or the hunters of mother nature. I refuse to be. Seeing as I have nothing of the sort in this damp and dull dip in the earth's crust, I claim a corner to wallow in despair. I shiver, calling fruitlessly for help, and shiver some more.

Before I know it, hours have passed. At least that's what it felt like in this frigid prison.

"I've fallen in my grave haven't I?" I ponder aloud. Accepting the silence of the forest as an answer, I sigh a deep breath. My nose and eyes burn from the freeze, and my fingers are a dangerous bluish purple. I wouldn't be surprised if my toes are too. "At least I won't be with the monster I've been betrothed to." I mutter under my breath.

Then a noise pierces through, perking my ears. A satisfying crunch, of either a person stepping on twigs, or a beast stepping on bones.

"Hello!" I call out. I'm desperate. "Please, would you help me out of this wretched trap kind fellow?!" My voice cracks from being in the cold for so long, my nose, quite ungracefully, running like a river.

The sun has been up for a few hours now, the light still duller from the clouds overcasting the sky. But suddenly a shadow drapes from above and all around. The cold is relentless, and makes me violently shiver some more. I squint as I peer upwards, trying to decipher the cause of such a cruel trick.

Then my eyes widen, my breath hitching from the beautiful yet unexpected sight.

A bare-chested man is in view. A fine looking man that is. He has broad shoulders tapering to an absurdly slim waist, and the muscles bulge as he stands tall and proud.

He wears a large, baggy pair of trousers that has metal coverings on his knees meant for battle. His arms are riddled with a few tribal tattoos, mostly on his upper arms. Toothed necklaces sit in layers on his chiseled chest, the colors varying yet in a symphony with one another. A dark crimson cape drapes behind him, matching with the largest necklace of ruby teeth, and the white fur cuffing his neck makes him look more ethereal.

His hair is wild, matching the fur and the cape torn at the edges. And from the golden locks spiking in every direction, shiny toothed red earrings peek through them.

My line of sight finally meets his eyes, and I finally realize why he wears ruby red all around.

They all compliment his eyes, yet none of his accessories can compare. They are fires, burning and bright, ever consuming. There is rage within them but also a demand of respect. The most prominent thing I can unravel is the mesmerizing passion deep inside. A passion colored rouge.

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