"Hey (Name), I'm sorry for being late."

I had to make it look like I had perhaps overslept, even though I only got a couple hours of sleep. Thoughts of the wedding (Name) and I would have kept me from sleeping...

(Name) turned to me, and smiled. God, that smile is simply perfect...

"It's alright Shuichi; I was just talking to another one of our classmates."

Right, Kaito... Why can't he just go to space already and stay up there?

"It's nice to meet you! Are you a friend of (Name)'s?"

How dare you assume we're just friends?

I nodded softly, doing all I could to not strangle him right then and there.

"Yeah; since childhood. I actually came here because I needed to discuss something important with (Name)."

(Name) seemed intrigued by this, most likely wondering what I needed to discuss with her. She looks so cute when she's thinking; if only she was wearing my hat while doing so.

"Oh, is that so? Well then, I guess I'll leave the two to do that. Just hit me up later, okay? We can start on our training!"

With a friendly smile on his face, Kaito walked away with a wave of his hand. (Name) waved back, but did seem a bit overwhelmed by Kaito's over-the-top attitude. I don't blame her...

"I'm not sure why he wants me to be his sidekick; it's not like I could help him. Was that his way of flirting with me?"

My blood instantly began to boil when I heard (Name) suggest this. Was Kaito truly flirting with (Name)... Do I need to kill him too?

"I-I don't think so... It didn't seem like that to me anyway."

I couldn't let her think that he was actually flirting with her; if she happened to catch feelings for a space-headed bastard...

I'll have no choice but to take him out.

(Name) chuckles softly at this.

"I guess a detective's intuition knows best. It'd be a shame if he was since I already think I like..."


(Name)'s voice had trailed off, clearly finding it awkward to finish that sentence in front of me. Why is she hesitating? Does she actually think she likes Kokichi?! Or is she too shy to tell me she likes me?!

Just tell me you love me already dammit!


I was quick to realize how awkward it was to say this, especially since it was said without thinking. Did I already decide who I liked more? I hadn't thought I had...

"Sorry about that. A-Anyway, what were you wanting to talk about? You said you had something important to discuss."

Shuichi seemed to take a moment to sigh, before responding to my question. Was he disappointed with how I didn't finish my statement?

"Right. I-I can't share the information out in public, so I was hoping you'd be willing to come with me back to my dorm room..."

I found the fact that he couldn't share such information out in public, but if it truly was important...

"Sure, I don't mind. You're not being threatened or anything, are you?"

Shuichi stayed silent, which only made me more concerned. He wasn't in danger, was he?

"Can we just head back to my dorm room?"

His voice was quiet, and somewhat rushed. This only intensified my worries, and I was quick to usher him to lead us to his dorm room. I hope he's not in danger...


I don't know why Shuichi's leading (Name) to his room, but it can't be for any good reason... I'm glad I installed the listening device into his room -in addition to (Name)'s- in case I needed to eavesdrop on him.

What are you planning Shuichi?


I knew that my act left (Name) worried for my safety. This is exactly where I needed her state of mind to be. I don't want to think of this plan as manipulation, but rather... Bringing forth some of the truths.

"Shuichi, are you going to tell me what's going on? I'm starting to get really worried..."

I ushered her to sit on the couch, where I soon sat next to her. Before long I began my story.

"I didn't want to bring this up since I didn't want to put you in danger, but I can't keep lying to you anymore..."

(Name) was instantly curious, just as expected.

"(Name), Kokichi's not the person you think he is. His organization isn't made of ten people pulling pranks; it's a dangerous organization that has over ten thousand members. He leads them to do crimes and... I..."

I forced myself to begin to slightly shake, my voice shaky as well.

"H-He's forced me to participate in his crimes... "

I gave (Name) a moment to let these words sink in, seeing her expression change to shock and concern. I could tell she didn't believe me completely yet, but I didn't expect her to...

"He forced me to f-find files of Kaede so he could claim her long-lost sister had been found... And once she was gone... H-He had his men kill her..."

I saw (Name)'s face go pale, and with shaky hands I pulled a nearby file over for her to look at. It was Kaede's death report. Her hands shook as she read the report.

"No... Kaede was killed...!"

I could see tears beginning to form in (Name)'s eyes. It doesn't make sense why she'd care so much about someone she barely knew; and clearly had no romantic chemistry with. Still, I couldn't let those emotions show at the moment.

"I-I'm sorry for hiding it for so long... Kokichi threatened to kill me if I t-told..."

At this rate, (Name) won't want anything to do with Kokichi.

As it should be.


This can't be possible, right? Kokichi's responsible for Kaede's death... And forced Shuichi to help him, threatening him if he told. And the thing about him having so many members of his organization...

"Shuichi, I-I can't imagine what you've been through... Thank you for telling me this... I-I promise I'll do everything I can to help you get through this."

Shuichi seemed shaky from the fear of Kokichi finding out, and some tears began to form in his eyes. I was quick to pull him in for a hug, letting some tears of my own out. The thought of Kaede being dead is tragic enough, but to know it was caused by one of our supposed 'friends'....

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Shuichi and I jumped when we heard the knocking, unsure what to do. While there's no guarantee that it's Kokichi, the possibility is still quite high. What were we to do? I hate to admit it, but I'm scared.

My Insane Love Story (Yandere!Shuichi X Reader X Yandere!Kokichi)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ