Chapter 10

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It was three days since they talk over the Phone. It was also three day since her Mom was home. "I swear I think she know we talking and she is only here to make my life into hell", Catra texted this to Adora and Adora was worried. "Why is she hurting you?". "No Lmao. Probaly she is a bitch because of November Scorpio", texted Catra back and try to play this off as a joke that her mom is bad. Adora doesn't think it funny more confusing "There is a Different?", ask Adora. "I don't know ask the Internet they say November Scorpio are the worst", she answered.  Adora doesn’t really get it but she didn't care "So when can we meet again?". Adora wanted to see her again. She couldn't lying still in her bed just to think how it would be to be again with her. "I don't know if Mom is gone I think", she said. Adora wish she know what she could do or say to her now. So she answerd "I can't wait anymore"." Do you want to see a movie?", Adora ask and Catra just say yes. They just wachted some random viedos on youtube and some episode of owl house. Adora really enjoy it to just spend time with her. It needed 2 weeks until they could meet. Catras mom was from what catra said really under her skin. Adora doesn’t understand it really she offered for catra to escape to her. Of course she say no and Adora would probaly in trouble for bringing a human in our little City. Angella would get her head for this but can we just really blame her for being in love? Yes we can and they gonna do it. Catra still believe love is a stupid emotion and one time she said only a Idiot could love her. She always say you have to be stupid to see something good in her. Adora just say one time "Well I guess I'm stupid I like you". "In this point you like my two and only friends. They dumb and Ignore the Red flags". Adora doesn’t understand Why catra sees herself so bad. Well she was kinda rude by the first meeting but to be honest she doesn't own someone being nice if a stranger talking to them. Catra also doesn't like to talk to stranger so Adora can understand Why she is like that. She was maybe afraid? But catra and afraid? Do that exist? What is if she is agressive because she is afraid? Adora was thinking a lot about it until catra texted her that they can meet on Saturday. Adora was at this point completly happend and forget about what she thought. She is going to Ignore that  catra warn people about herself and warn her to not talk to her. At the meeting that kinda goes wrong because they were talking about her home "You know I still believe you should come to me". Catra looks just say cold "Oh please I move out by the first chance I get and I kinda deserve it so fuck it". Adora looks sad to her like a puppy that got yeeted like a Ball over a football field "but catra you don't deserve it you always say you bad and warn me about it but that not true". Catra looks mad stand up and yelled "I do. Do you know what the different is between me and other vitcems of shit lifes? They know they end up Toxic, manipulative and unlovable. Do you know what they do then ? They go to therapy to get better but I? I don't want to change I don't want to like people. Imagen I want to stay Manipulation, try to control anything and I deffently don't want anyone help. I'm here for a god time not a long time so I do what I want. I stay egoistic and use people Until they lost use for me after that I throw them away. I don't waste my time for therapy to fix what other people broken. I should be healthy to have Friends and love? Fuck it fuck them all. I need nobody. Emotion hurt and we don't need this whatever reaction what entrapta told me have people to feel something. Its trash Bad and people always do the Bad shit. So I want better be hated then getting ließ in my face that everybody likes me". Adora looks sad to the ground and say with a broken voice "You not bad you just extremly hurt and think you don't deserve help but catra you not unlovable. I love you and I so everything to help you so let me help you to get better". "Fuck off Adora go and look for a stable girl and not a Chaos that gonna drag you in this. I swaer you gonna regret it", Catra goes then away

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