Chapter 8

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They spend the day together and Adora was ready to try again to come to catra as a human she is just gonna be like "oh you know I just watch for my dog she ra" and Catra would be so friendly to help her find the dog then Glimmer would call at a signal and tell her she is at home. She would just chill with catra maybe go and get Coffee with her. Adora was the whole time in her head the next day and Glimmer was next to her and worried about her friend. She know catra is not bad or something she seems Pretty normal and friendly. Adora planed and day dream about her catra and the school was over lucky for her nobody noitced she was out of space. The reality? Everybody noitced it and just Ignore her they think its a butterfly Phase. Adora was going in the forest and wating for Catra "Adora that is a little bit creepy?". To late for Glimmer because Adora saw catra and go out "She ra? Shera come her!". "You again", say Catra and didn't look happy. "Hey I just looking for my dog Shera she should be already at home but didn't came because I told her to come sooner". "You are a great owner if you let your dog the whole time alone", she said. "Hey I always know where she is. She is mostly here but I wanted to have her earler at home so I looking for her". She sighed "I help you" she said and called for she ra with her until she send Glimmer the sign and Glimmer call Adora. "oh my Phone" she say and goes on it. Catra thought she was a little bit questionable with her acting skills but can we blame catra if Adora is just Adora? Glimmer that watch of a save distance just facepalm herself and is very qustionable about her best friend Adora. If bow would be there he would fangirling. "come home now Idiot". Adora act like "What she ra came home thank you Glimmer" and klick her away. "So my dog is home now so thank you that you help me". Catra was not very enjoy the time with her and just say and say "your dog seem smarter then you". "Yes she is", say Adora laughing and only take the Part of. She thinking she ra is smart. "So you want to go drink one day something or maybe we hang up?". "Fuck off", say Catra and go home. Adora just standing there and don't know what to say and run to her "Why not I swaer you can decided what we gonna do the whole day?". Catra turns around "really?", she ask. Adora thought really she get her now and nobbed very fast with her head. "then I want the date day without you"and Start going." Why you don't give me a Chance I mean I nice and you don't have a Girlfriend right? "." I hate humans and you just remember me why " Adora was now confused what did she do? So she goes home and was sitting on her bed Until Glimmer comes in "What happend?". "she said I remember her Why she don't like humans" and put her face back in the pillow even if it hard to breath for her in there. "maybe you should I don't know move on she only like your Wolf side". That gave Adora a Idea she write a Letter and Make it on her Hand "Glimmer you so smart". Then she transform into a Wolf and run to Catra. If she was there she howl until Catra cames out. "calm down Drama Queen I'm comming" she said and open the door. Adoras tail wiggled fast and her tounge was out. Catra pet her head and saw the Letter. She open it and read it "your owner is the most anoying Person I know". Catra goes in and came after some minutes back. "Well time to Ruin the date for her so she would never ask me out a second time". Adora looked at her with a Question and put her head to the side. "Oh I thought more going to a Museum for Art or a Aquarium so its going to be boring as hell for her". Catra say but Adoras tail wiggled because she was sure she can chance her opinon. After the meeting and the cuddle Adora plan the date on Saturday. To make it worth to date her.

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