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TW! Yandere Themes! Forced Pregnancy!

If his dear s/o wants a child who is he to say no?

But you'd have to be really far into the relationship, if you can even call it that, to willingly want to have a child. How many nights in that hellhole did you go through to want a child? And even if you didn't, he would eventually want one and what can you do to stop him?

Another thing to shackle you to him. Arthur is a paranoid man by nature, no amount of trust will be enough to shut that small voice in the back of his head, that the moment he looks away for a second too long, even just a fragment of a second, you'll be gone.

He's not kind or generous, or even likable for that matter but he truly does "love" you, even if his feelings have been twisted and contorted into something more terrifying, something no longer gentle and sweet as love is meant to be.

He sees a child as something that'll tie you down to him. You wouldn't be as cruel as to leave something so small, so sweet and vulnerable with a monster like him, right? You could never, not the kind and gentle s/o he knew, so what if you have to spend the rest of your life with that monster? At least that poor unfortunate child won't have to learn of how much of a monster his father is.

But no matter how well you behave afterwards, he won't want more than two, maybe three, children. Just enough to make sure the stakes of what'll happen if you try to escape don't lessen until you finally give in.

Once you do have a child, don't expect things to get better, he might not touch you during your pregnancy but the moment you're back home and better things will go back to how they used to be. Of course, he won't neglect the child, it's his responsibility along with yours, they'll grow up healthy and happy, that is, as long as you listen to Arthur, and they don't grow too curious of what happens behind their parents' closed doors.


Absolutely not!

He never received much attention as a child, whether it was his father who was too preoccupied molding Viktor into the perfect successor, his mother who was far too broken to do anything beyond listening to his troubles, or his brother who couldn't afford to comfort him further then what his little free time allowed him to.

Bottom line is, he didn't go through all that trouble for you to choose a child, his child, over him. Not just a child, anything or anyone you pay more attention to than him won't be there the next morning. Maybe you have a hobby you really like to do and he allowed you to pass the time with it, the moment he realizes it's in his way you will find anything and everything related to it in the trash or far from your reach at least.

This doesn't just extend to things, people or even animals that keep you preoccupied for too long will be out of your sight and reach the moment they are deemed a threat.

He doesn't expect you to love him overnight, he doesn't need you to, all he wants is your undivided attention. Just keep all your insults and thoughts about him to yourself. Alexei doesn't expect genuine affection but doesn't tolerate disobedience either.

Just return his hugs and kisses and listen when he's ranting while half-drunk.

No matter how much you want a child, it'll always just be you, him and those two big dogs you've grown to hate so much.


You want a child?

Viktor will be caught off guard, surprised at your sudden request. A child? It's as if only a few days ago you used to cry yourself to sleep, even refusing to let him go near you. And now you suddenly want a child?

The thing with viktor is, he's a strict and uptight person. He may not seem like it but growing up, he was conditioned to care about what others thought of him, even narcissistic at times. Reputation came before all else. You're like a trophy on display to him, something he must ensure is in top conditions at all times, he won't tolerate a single mark left on your pristine figure.

So maybe it was the boredom that led you to want a child? No matter what you did, he was always there, whether to ensure your safety or to just observe the situation and convince you to stop the moment he deemed the activity undignified for someone of your standing.

Whatever it is that pushed you to that decision, Viktor won't stop you, he does find the idea appealing, a small cute version of you. Something that stands as physical proof of your love. That's where things take a turn for the worse, as I said, Viktor is a narcissist, at least when it comes to what people think of him. He wants you and your child to play your part in his perfect family as his loving wife and mother to his child and his adorable child, filled with vigor and life, enough to melt the hearts of anyone that saw them together.

Of course, he won't ever physically hurt either of you, you're both his pride and joy after all. He'll never yell or scream either, but his unnaturally calm demeanor is what makes everything all the more terrifying.

As your child grows old, they'll soon understand what happens when you go against daddy's wishes, especially when in the public eye, the utter look on his face is enough to ensure such a mishap never repeats itself, and even if it does, their loving father is more than happy to explain why they shouldn't misbehave, about how disappointed their behavior was.

Unlike Arthur, Viktor doesn't need anything to tie you down, in fact, the lack of restrictions is really just another show of his power over you, you can't run, even if he left you alone with nothing or no one to keep an eye on you and hold you down, you wouldn't, couldn't, run. The consequences of such attempts to break his ideal, picturesque expectations aren't light either so you gave up pretty soon.

The child is just there to add to his fantasy of a perfect family and the sight of your first child, terrified the day they slipped up for the first time will be enough to erase any ideas you may have but if Viktor was the one who wanted another child, that would be a different story, what authority did you have to deny him? You could only pray he'd soften up by the time your second born was there.

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