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*HEY HEY HEY! Here is another special chapter since yesterday, as I'm writing this, the date 9/23 was Bi Visibility Day and so... since Noya is my sweet boy, I love him a lot, and I myself am Bi... HERE IS A SPECIAL "EPISODE" DEDICATED TO HIM AND ASAHI!!! That's right! He's gonna confess!*

The next morning...

Noya pov

I opened my eyes and found myself under the window with the sun ever so slightly shining on me. I turned my head and saw Bokuto and Akashi curled up together and Kuroo and Y/n doing the same. Both couples looked so cute. Y/n was laying under Kuroo's arm and his other arm was covering his head with a pillow. Despite having one arm on her, Kuroo held her close.

"Man... I wish Asahi would do stuff like this with me..."

"Noya? Are you awake?" A voice called

I sat up and looked around. Kenma was wide awake looking at me.

"Oh... sorry. Did I wake you up?" He asked
"No. I was kinda already awake."

Kenma just nodded and looked to Kuroo and Y/n. Kuroo was dead asleep and so was Y/n. Both of them looked so peaceful right now. Kenma looked back at me, a slight angry gleam in his eyes.

"Don't fuck this up for them. I know you know about what they did. Kuroo told me you were there."
"Oh about the whole proposal thing? Yeah I was there. I support them 100%."
"Oh sure you do. So you only were planning on using Y/n if you had her? You said so last night. You planned on using her to get over Asahi. Don't lie to me."
"Yeah I did say that. I felt really bad about admitting it but it's the truth. I don't like Y/n anymore. She's my FRIEND. She has Kuroo. She doesn't need an asshole like me to be her boyfriend. Kuroo is better fit for her. I'm not what Y/n needs."

Kenma relaxed.

"Noya... I need to know you don't plan on hurting them. It wasn't you right?"
"Me what? What did I do? The only time I hurt Y/n was when I yelled at her. I don't know what you're talking about."

Kenna's face turned to shock.

"So... it's wasn't you?"
"Wasn't me what?! I'm confused!"
"Oh... well..."
"Kenma? Is Y/n in danger? Is Kuroo in danger?"
"Well... somebody... nobody knows who... publicly went online and said everything about what has been going on. Even the parts about you getting beat up and Y/n being removed from Suga's care. EVERYTHING has been revealed."

I felt hurt.

"Who would do this?!"
"I don't know. I thought it was you."
"Me?! Why? I wouldn't do that to Y/n!"
"I know that now!"
"Does... does she know?"
"Hm? I don't know. I don't think Kuroo has said anything. I'm assuming he would've told her. When she was upset last night... I thought it was because Kuroo told her."

Then I remembered something...


"Suga? What are you doing?" Tanaka asked
"None of your damn business."

He had been typing on his phone for the last hour. I was nervous as to what he was trying to do.

"Suga! Stop! This isn't helping!" Daichi yelled

Daichi grabbed Suga's wrist and pinned it to the window.

"LET ME GO DAICHI!" Suga yelled

All of us went silent.

"Fine then. If none of you can get along anymore... then I don't think this is a team I can coach anymore. We are supposed to be a team that gets along and works TOGETHER! Some of you..."

My Brother, His Rival (Kuroo x Fem!Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora