Tough Loss

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*hey! Author-kun/chan here! Hope you all are enjoying this story so far!*

Kuroo pov

Kenma and I were walking to where the rest of the team was. Once we found them, we walked to the gym where the Karasuno team was.

"Okay Kuroo. Get into the right mindset. Don't think about Karasuno or Y/n. Just think about the win. Just think about the game. Don't get distracted."

"Don't get distracted." I muttered
"Kuroo? You good dude?" Yaku asked
"Uh... yeah. I'm good. Just trying to get focused on the game."
"Wow I've never see you THIS excited to win." Yamamoto pointed out
"Well... we're playing Karasuno... our rival school. Everyone is feeling the pressure." Kenma added
"That's fair."
"Don't lose your head Kuroo. I'm sure that even if we lose, everything will be okay!" Yaku added

My team just looked at me with eyes of idolization. I knew that as the Captain, I couldn't lose my cool now. I needed to stay in the game.

"Right! Let's win this for Nekoma!" I yelled
"FOR NEKOMA!" The team cheered

Y/n pov

"You okay Y/n?" Hinata asked

I was sitting on the floor with Hinata and Kageyama, all three of us leaning against the wall.

"Yeah. I'm okay. I'm glad you guys showed up."
"Why? Did Kuroo do something?" Kageyama asked
"No he didn't. It's just... you guys freaked him out a little."

Hinata and Kageyama were puzzled.

"I mean if you guys hadn't said anything or if Hinata hadn't hit him on the head, I'm not sure what he would've done."
"Do you really think Kuroo would've done something to you?" Kageyama asked
"No. I don't... it's just... I... I'm scared what will happen if I tell Koushi."
"Then don't tell him. It's not like he NEEDS to know what's going on with your personal business."
"You think so? What about-"
"What about Noya? Let him be jealous. Let him think what he wants, it shouldn't matter to you. He doesn't know. Nobody knows but the three of us. We'll keep it that way if you want Y/n."

Kageyama just looked at me, and for the first time since I met him, he seemed like he genuinely wanted to help me.

"I'll help too Y/n! I promise I won't tell anyone!" Hinata added
"What about Kenma? Do you think he's going to help keep this a secret?"
"I'm sure he will! Him and Kuroo are such good friends and I can't see Kenma ratting out the two of you to Suga."

I was relieved.

"Well. I guess the secret is safe between the three of us. Got it?" I asked

The boys nodded.

"Yep! We promise Y/n!" They both said
"Promise what?" Someone asked

I jumped up and saw Noya, Tanaka, and Asahi standing there.

"Nothing. Just that the two first years here would try their hardest to win the game!" I said

Noya smiled at Hinata and Kageyama. Then he looked to me.

"Don't worry Y/n Sugawara... I'll take home the win for you!" He said jumping up and down

I could see Yamaguchi and Tsukishima laughing.

"I am REALLY not in a good mood right now. Fuck it what's the worst that could happen?"

"What's your deal huh punks?! Got a problem?!" I yelled
"OH SHIT Y/N JUST SNAPPED!" Tanaka added
"Uh oh... we should really walk away before she loses it." Asahi whispered
"Alright punks you wanna laugh at me, then go right ahead because I will kick your sorry ass into the-"
"Y/N WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Koushi yelled

My Brother, His Rival (Kuroo x Fem!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang