In the next three days, Rosh continued his life silently and constantly waiting for the magic stones he have ordered from Cresche Emporium.

He have bought quite a lot so it took time for them to deliver everything. Rosh ordered the servants to put all of the stones in his room.

Looking at the stacked cases of stones, Rosh looked satisfied.

It was only a matter of time before his useless and lazy tutor comes back from a bit of a vacation.

So, he have to hurry up and improve his magic, physique and skills before his schedule fills up. Especially when their debut is coming up in the next few months.

Diego Jyulde (hyul-de), Rosh's personal tutor, was a young scholar in his mid-20's. He had bright brown hair and yellow eyes. A lazy bum that always leaves Rosh to take a nap.

Rosh neither liked nor hated him in both his past life and his current one.

Diego might be a bit of a slacker, but if he gets serious, his teaching skills in both intel and practical education is worth his wasted time of sleeping.

When Rosh was finally left alone in his room, he bawled his right fist where the Siltheur's emblem resides.

''Let's eat some power.''

Using his magic, Rosh called two dark shadows at the same time.

The dark shadows kneeled in one knee and bowed their heads to him.

''Open up every single box and put them on my bed.'' He ordered.

Without hesitation, the shadows stood up and carried the small boxes and carefully opened them up.

Rosh have longed dismissed Yves for the day so she would only disturb him when he calls.

Narrowing his eyes at the pile of mana stones, Rosh saw the magic power that he missed seeing a few days ago.

He took a deep breath before using the Siltheur's emblem to take all of the energy he could get.

''Don't hold back. Take them all.'' He said.

The ring brightened, a sign that it just took a very large amount of mana at the same time.

The flowing energy continuously went to the ring that connects to Rosh's body and soul. Slowly, the mana stones disintegrated into dust one by one.

Not for long, every single stone that Rosh bought disappeared without trace.

Unlike the time he absorbed the nexus pendant, the stones have a specific variety of parts one stone could magnify.

With all the assorted stones the Siltheur's emblem absorbed, Rosh also got augemented in every specific parts of his individuality.

His physique changed, causing him to have abs and a few muscles. His magic became stronger that he could now use the power of darkness continuously for 2 days straight.

His strength, vitality, dexterity and agility ridiculously ameliorated.

Rosh also got his mentality affected, in a good way of course. His mind and memories sharpened. And his mental and emotional power increased too.

After a while, the ring finally stopped glowing, Rosh knew that it was done absorbing mana.

The stones are all gone, now the boxes are the only ones left.

''Hugo, Yves.''

The room's door opened and both his maid and personal knight went inside.

''You called us, young master?'' They said in sinc.

''Ah yes, I was wondering if you could take away all the boxes now?'' Rosh said with a tone of someone making a small request.

The two adults was confused of how the boxes were all opened and how the stones disappeared. What just happened an hour ago?

And it was strange for them. Their young master seemed the same but also different. Did he get tall or something?

Despite their curiosities, they still followed the young man's orders and tidied the room.

In a few minutes, Rosh's room was once again cleaned. The stone boxes were now disposed of by Hugo and Yves.

''Thank you, you can leave now. I want to rest.'' Rosh said and sat down near his balcony where his mini table was.

''Yes, young master.'' The two young adults said and left.


At the main wing of the Razon Manor, a young woman strided through the dimmed empty halls of the mansion.

The female stopped infront of a door and looked at the guard.

''Master called me here.'' She said in a low voice.

''Understood.'' The guard opened the door for the woman.

She walked in slowly as the guard also shut the door behind her. The woman encountered an old man in his 50's wearing a clean butler suit.

The woman bowed a bit and the butled did the same.

Her body then faced a man with black hair and red eyes sitting on his chair while checking some documents.

''I have come for my report, M'lord.''

The man's cold eyes looked at her and said. ''Speak.''

''The young master did his daily routine as usual and recieved his orders from Cresche Emporium earlier. He have then dismissed us for he wanted to rest.''

''Is that it?''


''Speak what's on your mind.'' The man commanded.

''Yes. The young master have been acting weird eversince his disappearance for a few hours last week.''

''Acting weird? What did that brat do?''

''The truth about my suspicion is that he went to the city and bought such things, Master. The first young master was usually aloof and quiet, yet he made an effort in going out and bought mana stones without definite explanation. His reasons of seeing the stones as merely beautiful is suspicious.'' The woman explained.

''Suspicious? Are you saying that my stupid seven year old son have learned about our matters? What nonsense.''

''Master, these facts are——''

''Enough with useless crap. Those things are impossible whenever you see it. Continue with your reports, tell me everything you can as long as it is related on finding him a strong weakness. Josh must become the rightful heir instead of that unfilial child.''

''I will follow your orders, Master Jeremiah.''


''Yes. I shall take my leave.'' Yves said.

She bowed once again before turning her back and left the room.

Jeremiah del Razon stared at the door with a cold yet confused gaze with the thought of his first son to be aware of their monitoring.

''There's no way..''

The duke just sighed and shoved off those thoughts behind his mind.


Unknown to their knowledge, a human figure is hiding in the shadows near the window of the duke's study.

And it heard everything.


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