Chapter 22

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Generally, sitting around and waiting made Luke's anxiety worse. He hated having nothing to do, it often filled his head with the most horrible thoughts anyone could think of.

Sitting in the cab of the musty RV, there was only one thing on his mind—seeing Ashton. Unfortunately the man wasn't there, he'd discovered after a quick check. No one was there.

He had no idea what Michael had in store for them, but he knew he couldn't wait to see the brunette again. He knew that together, they'd be able to get through anything.

A noise at the door disrupted his thoughts. It sounded like someone was trying to smash through it, but it was locked. There was a bit of muffled cursing before Luke heard the click of a lock and a loud, "DID YA MISS ME, BABY?" as Michael climbed the stairs of the RV. He held his arms out wide, like he was expecting a hug.

He looked...normal. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a button down, his bleach blonde hair wildly out of control. He could have been coming home from the bar on any random day two years ago, and the scene would look no different. It was confusing.

Luke was instantly conflicted. His body couldn't make up its mind about fight or flight. He had the training knowledge if he needed it to get away from Michael. He didn't think Michael knew about that, but his mind also remembered the months of torture this man had put him through and it wanted OUT as soon as possible.

"I asked if you missed me, Lukey-Lu!" He walked closer, the door shutting automatically behind him. "You did a really great job of listening, baby, I was a bit concerned that I'd need to punish you," he pouted, speaking when Luke didn't. He couldn't form a sentence.

There were a few seating areas on the RV. The drivers seat was up front, where Michael had just passed. Two arm chairs sat across from each other, and Luke was sitting on the small bed that stretched across the back of the bus. There was also a small table with two little benches underneath, connected to the wall of the RV.

Michael sat down on the edge of bed near Luke and tried to put his arm around him. Luke shifted away, starting to bring his hands up. Joe always told him to keep his hands near where the target was, whether that be a person or a weapon. They needed to be close.

"Come on, Lukey. I got rid of all the distractions. We can pick back up from a year ago and finally be together!" He shrilled, bouncing on the bed and moving closer to Luke. Luke frowned.

He should have expected that's what Michael would want, but it was also hard to process the fact that he was actually back. Standing in front of him. Asking him to get back together...well, more like telling him.

"No, I'm already in a relationship, and you were horrible to me when we dated. I'm not going back to that."

Michael sighed happily.

"Ah, there's that wit and charm I remember. It'll be okay, Lukey, you'll fall back into place soon enough and everything will be right again." Michael tried to take his hand, but Luke snatched it away and stood up.

"No, Michael. We're over. We aren't going to date, we're not together. I have a real boyfriend who treats me right, who loves me for who I am, and trusts me."

The bleach blonde pursed his lips.

"Yes, I do think I fit all those boxes," he grinned manically. "I am the perfect boyfriend—no, fiance. Thanks for the kind words, baby!" he grinned.

He was either trying really hard, was stupid, or was actually insane. Luke wasn't sure which. It could be a combination of all of them.

"Cut the shit, Michael. You had to know I wasn't going to go along with this. Now, I did what you asked, so you need to let Ashton go now,"

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