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taehyun soon realised what they were doing and pushed beomgyu away with a gasp.

the older just stood there and slowly brought his fingers up to his lips.

"i thought we agreed to.. forget about this?".

taehyun spoke, remembering what they said after sharing a kiss those few days prior.

beomgyu sighed deeply before running his hands through his hair.

"i'm sorry i- i guess i just got too carried away". they stood in silence.

"we should uh.. go to class?". taehyun said in an uncertain tone before walking towards the door.

"wait!", beomgyu quickly grabbed the youngers wrist.

"please don't tell anyone.. about this..". all taehyun could do was softly smile.

"i won't, i promise". and with that he walked out of the bathroom leaving beomgyu by himself.


"is it true?!". beomgyu was surrounded at lunch by more people than usual.

"is what true?". it was the first time he was confidently talking in front of a huge crowd.

"that you're dating a guy? i mean, you're too cute to be gay".

those words made beomgyu's head shoot up from his lap and his eyes widened.

"what?", his voice came out in a whisper and the girl continued speaking.

"someone said he saw you kissing a guy in the toilets this morning-"

"which i don't think is true because you're better than that, right? you wouldn't be gay".

beomgyu's breathing became uneven and he forced his eyes closed.

how was that girl so openly homophobic? and why wasn't anyone stopping her?

"it was him!", a random guy shouted while pointing over to taehyun.

beomgyu didn't want to imagine taehyun being the one to have told everyone after he promised

and his questions were answered when the guy spoke again.

"he was the one i saw beomgyu kissing in the bathroom!".

loud gasps erupted through the cafeteria and many people moved their glares over to taehyun.

the said boy was caught mid conversation with his friends.

his friends looked at him in shock as well and he was about to stand up and say something but beomgyu stood up first.

"so what if i am gay?! there's obviously a reason i reject all of your confessions!".

he screamed out at everyone. "and yes, i kissed taehyun! and no, we're not dating!".

the cafeteria fell into an uncomfortable silence until a random girl spoke up.

"does that mean you're cheating on your actual boyfriend?"

a few gasps were heard and beomgyu stood up out of anger.

"i was never dating anyone! i just said it so you would all leave me alone".

after he said that, he picked up his bag and stormed out of the cafeteria.

everyone was sat in shock.

the quiet boy who never spoke just screamed at a bunch of people and came out as gay at the same time.

the attention then shifted over to taehyun's table where he was sat with an even more shocked face than everyone else.

the girl who was openly homophobic then walked over and slapped him.

both huening kai and yeonjun immediately stood up in front of taehyun to block him from the girl.

"what do you think you're doing?!".

the girl groaned and tried to move around the two tall boys.

"he probably forced himself onto beomgyu right?  he made beomgyu come out as gay!".

taehyun just looked at the floor, unable to speak up.

"see! he's not responding, so that means it's true-" "will you be quiet?!"

taehyun gained the confidence to stand up and shout back at the girl.

"nobody forced themselves onto anyone! why would i force a guy to come out as gay?!"

"what would i gain out of that! absolutely nothing. so if you wouldn't mind, could you please move your homophobic ass out of my way".

after that, taehyun also grabbed his bag and ran out of the cafeteria in search for beomgyu, who had left a minute before he did.

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