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"what are you doing here?"

taehyun stood at his door shocked when he opened it to see beomgyu standing there.

"wait, how do you even know where i live?"

beomgyu just let out a soft chuckle before walking past taehyun and into the youngers apartment.

"this is cute"

the blonde rolled his eyes before closing the door and turning to face beomgyu.

"you still haven't answered my question"

"...which is?"

all taehyun could do was let out a quiet groan and fall back into his sofa, beomgyu following behind him.

"i just thought, 'hey, taehyun's gonna be alone for his week suspension so why not spend it with him'"

the younger rolled his eyes once again before facing beomgyu while laying down.

"won't that maid of yours wonder why you aren't coming home for a whole week?"

beomgyu shrugged before also turning his head towards taehyun.

"i told her i was staying at your place for a week, she didn't question it"

taehyun's mind was filled with questions but he decided not to ask any of them.

"what are we even going to do for a week?"


taehyun's question was answered almost immediately since they spent the whole week watching almost every movie on netflix.

it was soon monday again, time for them both to go back to college.

the two split up when they neared the school as no one knew that they even spoke to each other.


taehyun immediately turned his head after hearing his name being called.

running towards him were huening kai, yeonjun and soobin.

"i missed you so much oh my god!"

huening kai dragged the older into a tight hug.

"kai, i was only gone for a week! we've gone months without seeing each other before"

taehyun just let out a light laugh, making yeonjun and soobin also laugh along with him.

"those months were actual torture, don't think i've forgotten how you cried seeing me again"

taehyun almost instantly fell silent at those words.

yeonjun and soobin just laughed more, only to be cut off by students around them all gasping and whispering.

the four boys walked closer into the college to try and figure out what happened.

their thoughts were soon answered as yeji came running over to them.

"choi beomgyu just announced that he was dating someone! i can't believe this!"

to say taehyun was shocked would be an understatement.

"who did he say he was dating?"

the blondes voice came out shakily.

yeji just shrugged her shoulders.

"he just said that he was with them during his week off and for all of the fangirls to leave him alone"

yeji's friend, ryujin then spoke up.

"the quiet one has finally spoke up for himself, and it was to say he was dating someone.. wow"

taehyun was still caught up in his thoughts.

'he said that he was with them during his week off'

beomgyu was with taehyun for their whole week off..

taehyun couldn't help but look around the hallway to try and find beomgyu.

the said boy was leaning against his locker and the two made eye contact.

before taehyun could move his eyes away, beomgyu pointed his head towards the bathrooms.

taehyun got the hint and looked back at his friends.

he then put a soft smile onto his face before speaking.

"I need to go to the bathroom, you can leave me if the bell rings"

the five of them nodded and taehyun left them, slowly making his way towards the bathroom.

he noticed beomgyu wasn't standing with his friends so he assumed that the older was already waiting for him.

once he made it to the bathroom, taehyun looked around before entering.

he closed the door behind him and turned around to see beomgyu leaning against one of the sinks.

"dating someone, huh? and you were with them the whole week?"

taehyun stopped walking closer when he was up to the sink next to the older.

"unless you were with someone else when you were also with me, i'd assume you're lying, choi beomgyu"

over the week, they can both agree that they got closer and that there was something lingering...

the next moments happened in slow motion.

beomgyu reached forward and cupped taehyun's face before closing the space between them.

taehyun gasped at the contact but soon melted into it.

he began moving his lips against the olders and was shocked when he was turned around and pushed against the bathroom wall.

and no, this wasn't the first kiss they've shared.


a few days earlier

the fourth movie of the day soon came to an end and taehyun let out a loud yawn.

the yawn was loud enough to make beomgyu flinch.

"do you have to be so loud?"

the blonde rolled his eyes and shut off the tv.

"i wasn't being loud, idiot"

"yes you were!"

"no i wasn't!"

they were both tired and just let their emotions out.

"just stop being so loud!"

"make me!"

they fell into a silence after taehyun's last words.

they didn't know if it was because they were tired, or if they were vulnerable.. but their lips somehow made their way together into a fast and needy kiss.


and here they were now, sharing and awfully similar kiss in the college bathrooms.

if only they noticed someone else walking in...

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