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beomgyu continued to drag taehyun out of the college and towards the park where they had their first conversation.

"i couldn't let you go through that punishment by yourself"

the older spoke in a quiet voice as they both sat down.

it didn't take long for taehyun to open the used pack of cigarettes and offer one to beomgyu.

"you should just go back, i don't want you getting in even more trouble"

beomgyu just turned his head and looked at taehyun as he lit the end of his cigarette.

"if i went back now, i'd have to explain why i left and.. i don't have a good excuse"

a slight laugh left taehyun's lips as he turned to face the older boy.

"what are you going to do then? wont your parents try to send you back in?"

beomgyu just shook his head as he blew out a small puff of smoke.

"they're never home, always on business trips. they could care less about my attendance"

the two boys fell into a comfortable silence for a few seconds until beomgyu spoke again.

"do you wanna visit my house?"

taehyun was slightly taken aback by the question.

"you probably live in a big mansion, am i right?"

beomgyu chuckled lightly before nodding and lifting the cigarette up to his mouth again.

"it gets quite lonely. i've never actually invited anyone over before"



that was the only word that left taehyun's mouth as he looked up at the massive home in front of him.

it was a huge difference to the small apartment he lives in.

"right, i forgot not everyone lives in large houses"

beomgyu's words snapped taehyun out of his thoughts.

he looked over at the older and rolled his eyes lightly.

"are we going inside then?"

beomgyu weakly nodded before grabbing taehyun's wrist and bringing him inside.

the interior of the home looked like something you'd see in a castle.

"master choi? why are you home early"

taehyun looked over his shoulder to see an older woman holding a spray bottle and a cloth.

of course beomgyu would have maids, he's rich.

"ah, don't worry mrs kim. please don't tell my parents, though"

the woman just smiled at the two boys before nodding and looking at taehyun.

"hello, are you one of beomgyu's friends?"

taehyun moved his eyes from the woman and towards beomgyu.

the older boy just nodded so taehyun faced the woman again, also smiling this time.

"yes.. i am"

before she had the chance to respond, beomgyu had began pulling taehyun towards a large staircase.

"it was nice seeing you mrs kim, but we need to go"

and with that, the two boys ran up the stairs and down a large hallway, stopping in front of a tall door.

"what's this?"

taehyun spoke quietly as beomgyu pushed open the door and let go of his wrist.

"this, is my bedroom"

they walked into the room and all taehyun could do was stare in awe.

he thought the olders bedroom would look large and extravagant, yet it looked like any normal teenagers room.

posters of singers on the walls, messy pile of clothes in the corner..

you wouldn't think beomgyu was rich based on how his room looked.

"oh! you listen to bts?"

taehyun said, eyeing a large poster of the boy group placed right above the bed.

"yeah.. their music is really important to me"

beomgyu then sat on his bed, patting next to him signalling taehyun to sit next to him.

the two boys spoke about music for what felt like hours, until the got onto the topic of college.

"why haven't you got a girlfriend yet? i mean, you have all of these girls chasing after you-"

"doesn't at least one of them interest you?"

beomgyu let out a low chuckle and looked up at taehyun.

"are you jealous that i have all those girls coming after me?"

taehyun just scoffed before playfully rolling his eyes.

"why would i be? i'm gay"

the room fell into a silence which only lasted a few seconds until beomgyu mumbled something.

"me too.."

taehyun shot his head up in confusion.

"what was that?"

a sigh left beomgyu's lips and he also looked up, making eye contact with the younger.

"i said.. me too"

beomgyu couldn't help but stare when taehyun started laughing.

"i knew it! if you weren't you probably would have had a girlfriend by now"

beomgyu watched as taehyun fell back onto the bed with another laugh.

he laid down next to the boy and stared at the ceiling.

"just.. don't tell anyone okay? i'm not out yet"

taehyun just smiled over at the brunette.

"i won't, i promise"

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