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the wind lightly blew his hair back as he took the cigarette out of his mouth.

"you know, that's not very good for your health"

the blonde looked over his shoulder to see his friend, huening kai.

"you tell me all the time, and i reply with-"

"'i know'. tae, i just don't want people at my school to judge you".

right, taehyun was transferring to huening kai's college because the teachers at his old college kicked him out due to the smoking.

the older sighed lightly before dropping the cigarette onto the ground and covering it with his foot.

"don't worry kai, i'll be fine"


"hello everyone, my name is kang taehyun". he bowed lightly after introducing himself to his new class.

not many people were paying attention to him as they were staring at a brown haired boy who was sitting at the back of the room.

"taehyun, you may sit next to yeji". the said girl smiled and waved the blonde boy over.

he followed her wave and sat on the seat without speaking a word.

"hello taehyun! i'm yeji". she stuck her hand out and taehyun just stared at it.

he quickly realised that he had to shake it so he took her hand with a weak smile.

"hello, yeji"

the teacher had given the class a free day so everyone was with their sorted friend groups.

yeji then leaned closer to taehyun's desk, moving her chair at the same time.

"so, do you find anyone cute?". taehyun pulled a confused expression, making his head tilt slightly.

"i have only been here for an hour, i only know one person"

her face lit up and she leaned on the palm of her hand.

"who do you know?"

"my friend, huening kai. he's also in the same year group as us"

the girls smile only grew bigger. "huening kai? ah, i know him. the really tall one, right?"

taehyun just nodded at her question before slouching down into his chair.

he then looked around the room before making eye contact with the brown haired boy who he saw people staring at.

he quickly turned away and faced yeji again.

"who's that boy at the back?"

the girl looked up from her phone and turned to where taehyun was hinting.

"oh, that's choi beomgyu. he's part of the 'popular clique' or whatever you would call it"

"but he seems quiet"

yeji just nodded before continuing. "he doesn't really talk to people, yet he still has girls asking him out because of his looks"

taehyun took his phone out of his pocket before shrugging. "how do they know he's not gay?"

those words made yeji let out a small gasp. taehyun then looked up at her again.

"did i say something bad?"

she shook her head before placing her phone down onto the desk.

"it's just that, if his 'fan girls' heard you say that they'd go crazy"

taehyun rolled his eyes before also placing down his phone.

"they can't all go after a guy that will never date them anyway"

"hey, do you.. like boys?"

their conversation was interrupted when another girl started speaking to them.

taehyun looked over at her and didn't know how to respond.

"uh.. yes? i don't know what you want me to say"

she just turned back to her friends with a sigh leaving taehyun confused.

"she probably wanted to get your number or something, i mean you are attractive"

the blonde tilted his head once again, "thanks? i guess"

the rest of the class went quite fast. yeji and taehyun both getting to know each other.

the bell soon rung, making all of the students grab their things and run out of the room.

once taehyun had grabbed his bag, he felt a soft tap on his shoulder.

yeji had already walked out of the room so he cautiously turned around, having no idea who it could be.

"you uh, you dropped this out of your pocket"

he looked up at the person in front of him. choi beomgyu.

the blonde nervously looked at what beomgyu was holding and his eyes widened.

he quickly took the object and stuffed it into his bag, not forgetting to say something before leaving.

"hey, please don't.. tell anyone about that"

his cigarette box had fallen out of his pocket. he was kind of glad it was beomgyu who picked it up, and not someone else.

"my lips are sealed"

the brunette then walked out of the classroom, leaving taehyun alone.

taehyun stood there for a second before gathering his thoughts and leaving the classroom.

"tae!". the blonde heard his name being called and only one person uses that nickname..

"hey kai". the taller boy latched his arm around the older and they walked side by side.

"have you replaced me yet?"

a chuckle and a scoff left taehyun's mouth. "you know i could never replace you"

"but yeah, i did meet one girl. she said she knew you actually"

they made it to the cafeteria and walked in, side by side.

"her name was yeji". huening kai then let out a small noise.

"yeji? ah! she's so nice! i'm glad she's the one who spoke to you"

the two fell into a comfortable silence as they found a table to sit at.

"do you not know anyone else? i hope you didn't sit alone-"

"i do have other friends, tae. they're coming over now!"

right as the younger finished speaking, two.. rather loud.. boys sat at their table.

"kai! is this the friend you were talking about? hi, i'm yeonjun"

he looked a year or two older than kai so he assumed that the boy was in the year above them.

yeonjun had bright pink hair, which you don't see everyday. and the boy next to him had black hair.

"hello, i'm soobin!". the second male spoke with a bright tone.

taehyun couldn't help but smile at the two. "taehyun"

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