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"are you doing that again?"

it had already been a month since taehyun transferred to his new college.

taehyun let out a sigh as he stared over at huening kai.

"i understand that you don't like me doing this, but you know the reason i do it"

kai looked back at taehyun with a frown on his face as he stepped closer.

"i'm sorry tae, i just get worried about you sometimes"

a soft smile made it's way onto the blondes face.

"and i thank you for worrying, but-"

the bell suddenly rang, signalling the end of lunch.

taehyun dropped his cigarette on the floor and mushed it with his shoe.

"let's go to class?"

huening kai just let out a weak nod before walking down from the rooftop.


it was the next morning, and taehyun was sitting in class waiting for his teacher to arrive.

"did you hear what the principal found on the rooftop?!"

taehyun's head quickly lifted up when he heard those words.

he then cautiously leaned closer to try and listen to his classmates conversation.

"apparently he found a half used cigarette on the floor!"

he could hear the disgust in the girls voice before her friend spoke up.

"why would someone use those? aren't they bad for your health?"

he was about to continue listening to their conversation when the speakers in the classroom suddenly turned on.

"good morning students! i'm pretty sure you have heard the news going around"

a deep laugh echoed through the room.

"i would like you all to come to the theatre and take a seat, we will be having a talk"

as soon as his sentence finished, everyone stood up from their seats and began walking towards the theatre.

taehyun was sure his face looked panicked.

before he could think of what to do, yeji grabbed his wrist and pulled him along with her.

the whole walk to the theatre was spent with taehyun looking at the ground in deep thought.

the blonde saw huening kai and walked over to him the moment they made it to the theatre.

"what do i do?"

he whispered to the younger boy and kai just shrugged his shoulders with a worried expression.

soon, all of the students had arrived and were all sitting down.

the principal was standing in front of everyone with a small glare.

"if you haven't already heard through gossip, i found the remains of a cigarette on the schools rooftop"

"not only is the rooftop off limits to students, one of you was also smoking up there"

"if you own up now, the most you will receive is a weeks suspension"

"if you do not own up and we find out who it is, there will be a bigger punishment"

taehyun really didn't know what to do.

his eyes moved all over the theatre until he made eye contact with someone.

choi beomgyu.

the panic in his eyes grew as he saw beomgyu stand up and raise his arm.

"it was me, sir. i was the one smoking on the rooftop"

taehyun couldn't let beomgyu take the blame for him, so he also stood up and shouted.

"no! it was me, i can't let him take the blame for something i did"

all of the other students were looking between the two boys in shock.

taehyun looked over at beomgyu once again and the boy was also looking at him.

"alright, the two of you come with me. everyone else go back to your morning classes"



no one spoke a word as they walked into the principals office and sat down.

"boys, which one of you was it?"

taehyun was quick to own up but at the same time, beomgyu also owned up.

they saw the principal let out a deep sigh before standing up.

"if neither of you tell me the truth, i could easily open up the security camera footage"

taehyun's face went pale and he quickly shook his head.

"it was me! look, i even have the rest of the pack here"

without thinking, he pulled the half empty box out of his pocket.

after realising what he did, a small gasp left his mouth and he looked to the floor.

the principal stood silent for a few seconds, his stare going back and forth between the two boys.

"mr kang, you will be suspended for a week. and for you"

his gaze landed on beomgyu.

"although you did nothing wrong, you still tried to cover up for taehyun"

"so you will have detentions for a week instead"

"but sir-"

"don't. you knew what you were doing when you tried to take the blame for this boy"

the room fell silent and the principal walked closer to taehyun.

"you may go home now and don't come back until next week"

taehyun nodded silently before standing up and slowly leaving the room.

a sigh left his lips once the door closed and he continued walking towards the exit.

"hey! wait!"

a voice echoed through the hallways making taehyun turn back.

he soon saw beomgyu running towards him.

the said boy caught up to taehyun and lightly grabbed his wrist before he walked off.

"i'm sorry"

taehyun was confused as to why beomgyu was apologising to him.

"what are you sorry for?"

"i just got you suspended for a week!"

taehyun just shook his head with a soft smile and removed his wrist from beomgyu's grip.

"it wasn't your fault, i was the one that stupidly left the used cigarette on the rooftop"


"if anything i should be apologising to you"

beomgyu tilted his head slightly. how cute.

"i mean, you basically got detentions for a week because of me"

the older of the two cautiously looked around the hallways before grabbing taehyun's wrist again.

he then began pulling the blonde towards the exits.

"what are you doing? you're supposed to go back to class"

"just- follow me"

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