Chapter 1

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It's early in the morning and I am getting ready to go to the airport to go to Korea, I'm so excited to study to Korea and at Seoul University!

I am so ready to head to Korea but my parents are worried for me to head alone but I reassured them that I can do it and I can eventually survive on my own, hopefully.

I am now at my parents car and we are now heading to the airport.


"Honey are you sure you can live without us? Your really a big girl now" Mom said while I'm loading my suitcases to the conveyor belt. "Don't worry mom, I can survive... Hopefully, but I promise to take care of myself properly" I hugged her tightly.

"Take care sweetie" Dad said while hugging me tightly, "Bye mom and dad, I will miss you guys so much" I said holding my tears and went to the lounge area. "Alright, Korea here I come!"


I am at the airplane right now and we are in the middle of the clouds, I am eating some croissants and some orange juice.

We are now about to land to Korea and I am so excited, we just officially landed and now I stepped into the lands of Korea. I feel so honored.

I am now at the airport of Korea and I am now waiting at the lounge.

I now went to get my suitcases and got ready to check out, I was heading to the conveyor belt when I bump into a muscular chest and I fell down.

I looked up and saw a boy in a black hoodie and gray sweat pants with a black bucket hat holding his phone.

I went up and apologized "I am so sorry sir, I didn't mean to" I said and he just walked away without any expression at all "okay, that's unexpected" I continued walking and went to the conveyor belt to get my stuff.

I saw him again! He was helping a girl, a pretty girl to get her stuff, I guess she was his girlfriend. I was not focused at what I am doing when a familliar voice spoke to my ear. "Earth to Lisa?"

"Sorry" I said without looking who said that and the voice giggled. "Wait, what?" I turned and saw Jisoo Unnie, "Unnie!? What are you doing here?" I asked and hugged her.

"To fetch you, duhh" She said "Now come on, time to see your new apartment" She said. Jisoo Unnie is my friend or more like a big sister. She will be my roomate and I guess my mom for the rest of my life here on Korea, she is very strict and sometimes she gives the best advices.

We took the cab to her apartment. We arrived and her apartment looks luxurious, "woah Unnie, is this even an apartment, more like a mansion to me" I said "Just wait till you see the inside" She wiggled both of her eyebrows. This is gonna be exciting.

Just by looking at the hallways I'm getting excited. We entered the apartment unit and wow, it's so big.

It has a big kitchen and a dining area with a living room. Like how a normal house would've have. It has three rooms, Jisoo Unnie already claimed and she also fixed my room, the third one was a little hang out room where we can hang out together.

I fixed my room and finished at night, Jisoo Unnie ordered dinner and it was chicken wings, of course it's Jisoo Unnie, there must be always chicken wings.

After eating we got ready for bed because tomorrow is our first day of school, I will on first year of high school and Jisoo Unnie will be at third year.

Before I sleep, I got all of my stuff ready for tomorrow and get my uniform ready, I also studied a little bit to get ready if the teacher would ask me a question.

Once I felt like I was ready, I set my alarm and went to sleep peacefully.


It was now five in the morning and I smelled sweet flavors of strawberry from the kitchen, I guess Jisoo Unnie is cooking.

I went out and saw Jisoo Unnie cooking waffles, gosh it's been a while since I ate waffles.

We got ready and went to Jisoo Unnie's Car and now we are heading to school, we arrived and there were so many students outside. "Don't worry Lis, many people here are friendly but watch out for the "others" just call me when you need some help" She said.

Now I'm a bit worried on what might would've happen. I am excitedly nervous scince it's my first day.

I was looking around when I saw a familliar figure but can't guess who it might be because it was surrounded by lots of girls.

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